Wednesday 22 July 2009 afternoon ceremony
Sir Ian Carruthers
Sir Ian Carruthers is Chief Executive of the South West Strategic Health Authority which was established in 2006, overseeing the improvement in health and healthcare in the South West so that it is now nationally amongst the best.
During his 40 year career, Sir Ian has worked at all levels in the National Health Service (NHS). He has been Interim NHS Chief Executive and has held Chief Executive posts in Dorset and Somerset, Hampshire and the Isle of Wight.
He has made many national contributions to healthcare. These have included being a member of the NHS Management Board, and the NHS Modernisation Board, which prepared the first ever NHS Plan. He has served on several national advisory groups overseeing the restructuring of management in the NHS and led national reviews on financial strategy, patient safety, service reconfiguration, innovation and improvement. He is currently jointly leading a review on age discrimination in health and social care in preparation for the forthcoming Equality Bill.
Educated at Carlisle Grammar School, Sir Ian is a graduate of the Open University, a Companion of the Institute of Healthcare Management, Honorary Fellow of the Faculty of Public Health of the Royal College of Physicians of the United Kingdom and has an Honorary Degree from Bournemouth University. He lives near Yeovil, is married with a son and daughter and his recreational interests include football, cricket, rugby and reading.
Sir Ian was awarded the Order of the British Empire for services to health in 1997 and knighted in 2003.