Greg Wise, Tindyebwa Agaba and Emma Thompson.

Tindyebwa Agaba celebrates degree success

Tindyebwa Agaba, adopted son of actors Emma Thompson and Greg Wise graduated from the University of Exeter on Tuesday 21 July with a 2.1 (hons) degree in Politics.

Tindyebwa is one of more than 3,000 students to receive degrees from the University of Exeter this week.

Now 22, he moved to the UK aged 16 in 2003 and met his adoptive parents at a Refugee Council party.

From September he plans to go to the School of Oriental and African Studies in London to pursue his MA in Human Rights Law.

Tindyebwa Agaba said: “I admit I found my first year very difficult, the second year was less difficult and the third year was an absolute blast. So in a nutshell I’ve been from hell to heaven in three years.”

Professor Tim Dunne, Head of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, and one of his Tindyebwa’s tutors, added: “Tindy has achieved an excellent degree overall and Exeter wishes him well in his future academic work. In fact, this future is going to be upon him very soon as he has been invited to write an essay for the Times Higher Education magazine on law and human rights.”

Graduation ceremonies take place from 20-24 July in the Great Hall, University of Exeter, at 10am and 2.30pm. The graduation ceremonies for students from the University’s Cornwall Campus are held in the inspirational surroundings of Truro Cathedral on Monday 27 July. 

Date: 21 July 2009