Business Manager to the Vice-President and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Global Engagement)

Dr Helen Butler

Helen Butler is the Business Manager to the Vice-President and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Global Engagement), Professor Richard Folloett.  Her role is to provide executive support across the Deputy Vice-Chancellor’s portfolio, which includes responsibility for leading the University’s Global Strategy and oversight of the University’s global activities.

Helen joined the University in 2010. She held the roles of Project Manager for the EPSRC-funded Bridging the Gaps project, Research Development Manager and SWEEP Programme Manager before moving to the position of Business Manager in September 2018. Prior to joining Exeter, she worked in a variety of roles at the Peninsula School of Medicine and Dentistry and the Natural Environment Research Council.

Helen has a BSc in Biology from the University of York, a PhD in microbial ecology from the University of London and carried out postdoctoral research at the British Antarctic Survey.



Phone: 01392 723004


University of Exeter
Northcote House
The Queen's Drive