
For older news between 2021-22 please visit our news archive.

Banner VIU Summer School Science Diplomacy

Science Diplomacy is a tool that recognizes science as a process for pursuing evidence and diplomacy as a process for dialogue and cooperation between different stakeholders. In our increasingly interconnected world, there is a growing need for science diplomacy as we are confronted by issues concerning agriculture or trade, automation or cryptocurrencies, peace & security, global health pandemics, and climate change, among many other complex challenges. Our decision-making power is strengthened or weakened by the relevance, timeliness, reliability, and communication of information in a fast-paced changing environment. While academia includes specialties in translational science, public policy, health policy and other policy-related fields, these programs do not address the needs of the vast matrix of other scientific disciplines to provide students with training and tools to effectively partner and communicate with non-scientists, whether they are policy-makers, community leaders or the general public. This is Science Diplomacy at its core-partnerships to eliminate cultural, sectoral, and knowledge barriers. 

For more information please visit: Science Diplomacy - Venice International University (

Application deadline: 15th March 2024. Please see below for brochure and application form

SS Science Diplomacy 2024 Brochure.pdf (

Science Diplomacy application form - Venice International University (

Banner Water and Climate change resilience 2024

To investigate the risks that climate change poses to the human society and the natural environment, it requires a good understanding of the involved processes and causal connections from interdisciplinary perspectives.Thus, the next generation of researchers and engineers should be trained to equip such capacity to integrate methodologies and tools from various field for developing solutions to strengthening climate resilience.The main objectives of the PhD Academy are bringing multidisciplinary academics from VIU network together for widening early career researchers’ vision on global challenges and offering transversal skill trainings for supporting the ECR’s career development.

For more information please visit: PhD Academy 2024 | Water and Climate Resilience - Venice International University (

Application deadline: 10th March 2024. Please see below for brochure and application form

Brochure_PA_WaterClimate_2024.pdf (

Application form - PA Water and Climate Resilience - Venice International University (

‌‌‌Linguistic Landscapes: Using Signs and Symbols to Translate Cities

The Summer School Linguistic Landscapes: Using Signs and Symbols to Translate Cities aims at equipping participants with a comprehensive understanding of modern Linguistic Landscapes (LL) research. The growing interdisciplinary field of LL, which traditionally analyses the “language of public road signs, advertising billboards, street names, place names, commercial shop signs, and public signs on government buildings”, usually occurs in urban spaces. More recently, LL research has evolved beyond studying only verbal signs into the realm of semiotics, thus extending the analytical scope into the multimodal domain of images, sounds, drawings, movements, visuals, graffiti, tattoos, colours, smells as well as people.

Who is the school for?

Applications are welcome from current final year Undergraduates (finalists, BA3), MA and MPhil/PhD Students in Linguistics, Sociology, Classical Studies, (Business) Communication Studies, History, Cultural Studies, Political Studies, Translation Studies or any other related discipline. Applicants must submit the application form, a letter of motivation – which should include a brief description of the candidate’s research interests, a curriculum vitae and a photo. Participants will discover multiple aspects of modern LL research including an overview of different types of signs, their formal features as well as their functions.


History and Classics are offering to cover the tuition fees (though not travel and accommodation) of one applicant per each department. LCVS is offering to cover the tuition fees (though not travel and accommodation) of two applicants (a and b): a. one UG and b. one current MA student in Translation Studies or one UG student starting the MA in Translation Studies this September. Please apply by filling in the form here below and specify your Department. The bursaries will be offered to the candidates with the strongest motivation statement in terms of future career plans and who are the most able to benefit from the school. Please note that we will offer the bursaries if we have suitable candidates. 

Further Information

For further information please visit: Linguistic Landscapes: Using Signs and Symbols to Translate Cities - Venice International University (

Application Deadline: 05th March 2024. Please see below for bochure and application form

VIU_Summer School_Linguistic Landscapes_2024

Application form - Linguistic Landscapes 2024 - Venice International University

‌‌Energy and Society. The case of fusion | PhD Academy 2024

How to balance our energy needs with concerns for climate change, strategic dependence on a small number of fossil fuel suppliers and for energy poverty is one of the most profound and urgent challenges today.

To create a sustainable energy future, we must connect scientific developments with social, economic, cultural, and ethical considerations. The Academy provides fellows with a training opportunity that merges science with society and considers the wider ethical implications of energy, with a focus on the case study of thermonuclear fusion.

For further information please visit: PhD Academy 2024 | Energy and Society. The case of fusion. - Venice International University (

Application Deadline: 29th Feb 2024. Please see below for bochure and application form

VIU PhD academy_Energy and Society - The case of fusion

Application form - PA Energy and Society - Venice International University

In its eighth edition, this Summer School aims at the development of ideas that promote a more sustainable future by bringing together young scholars from all over the world to discuss their ideas on the Grand Transition of our society from the microlevel of individual decision-making to the organizational and the societal level. It gives young scholars the opportunity to discuss with eminent scholars in management theory and to test their ideas and present their work. Participants will become familiar with recent research from a broad set of disciplines. They will work on their ability to engage in the transdisciplinary discourse which is required for the development of innovative answers to grand sustainability challenges.

For further information please visit: Organizing for Sustainable Futures: Micro and Macro-institutional Conditions of Transformation - Venice International University (

Application Deadline: 01st March 2024. Please see below for bochure and application form

Brochure_OSF 2024

Organizing for sustainable futures application form - Venice International University

Intense lasers for new societal applications | PhD Academy 2024

The transformative impact of lasers continue to push the boundaries of what we once thought was impossible in various fields. From simulating extreme conditions, to generating high-energy particles and studying atomic and molecular processes on their typical temporal scale, the potential applications are limitless. With the compactness and distinctive features of laser-plasma particle accelerators, there is immense potential for economic and medical benefits.

This PhD Academy proposes cutting-edge research on intense laser-matter interactions and their applications in science and society. 
Expert-led sessions on laser technology, attosecond science, laser-plasma accelerators, and high energy density physics will be offered, providing insight into the long-term and mid-term potential of intense lasers in sectors such as healthcare, manufacturing, energy, and the arts.

‌‌For further information please visit: Intense lasers for new societal applications - Venice International University (

Application Deadline: 31st January 2024. Please see below for bochure and application form

VIU PhD Academy_Intense lasers for new societal applications_2024

Application form - PA Intense Lasers - Venice International University

Equipping Researchers with Skills & Strategies

Communicating research to public and policy audiences is becoming a key element of researchers’ work, but can be challenging when researchers lack the required skills and have little experience of engaging with audiences outside the academic arena. 

The aim of the program is to equip researchers with key competencies and the confidence to communicate strategically using a wide range of tools and channels, as well as evaluating impact along the way. Indeed, science communication and public engagement are very important, especially since these activities are increasingly demanded by research funders and policymakers as a pathway towards societal impact of research. 

The School is designed for researchers and graduate students from all research disciplines across Natural and Social sciences, Engineering and Humanities. For further information please visit: Equipping Researchers with Skills, Strategies and Confidence for Science Communication - Venice International University ( 

Application Deadline: 15th January 2024. Please see below for bochure and application form

VIU Spring School Science Communication 2024 | Application form - Venice International University (

VIU_Spring School_Training Researchers on Science Communication_def (


Banner Global Diversity Management

The Winter School on Global Diversity Management is an initiative of Venice International University, in partnership with its member universities Milano-Bicocca, Stellenbosch, Lausanne, and KU Leuven.

The aim is to highlight the importance of understanding and applying workplace diversity towards sustainability. It is strongly committed to an applied approach in order to match the academic/theoretical analysis about insights, knowledge and practical strategies to sensitively manage the issues and challenges associated with working in a culturally diverse context. The benefits of this skills programme include: improved competence in managing diversity; acknowledging, understanding, accepting, valuing and celebrating the uniqueness among people irrespective of, amongst others, race, age, class and gender; enhanced communication skills and interpersonal relationships; and bringing about new attitudes and processes to the benefit of the organisation as a whole.

Suitable for: Undergraduates, graduates, PhD students and post-doc scholars as well as professionals. for further details please visit Global Diversity Management - Venice International University (

Application deadline: 15th November 2023. Please see below for bochure and application form

WS Global Diversity Management 2024 | Application Form - Venice International University (

brochure_unita.pdf (

VIU Globalisation Programme | CALL FOR SUMMER SESSIONS

We are pleased to announce the latest call for members of our academic community to teach for 1 semester at Venice International University, as part of VIU’s Globalization Programme. This call is for Academic Year 2025-2026.

Academic Year 2025 – 2026

  • 1st Semester (September – December 2025)
  • 2nd Semester (February – May 2026)

Full details on the call can be found on the VIU website here: VIU webpages on the Exeter University website describe Exeter’s membership of the consortium, and provides information on the opportunities open to students and staff of the University:

Please note the following – complete details are on the attached VIU Call & appendices 1 and 2. Please read these documents carefully before applying or contacting the Global Partnerships Team 

1. All applicants must complete the attached application form, and return to

2. Each VIU member university is expected to provide 1 academic to teach at VIU each semester. Each academic must put forward 3 proposals for teaching 3 separate 40-hour courses in that semester. 2 of those 40-hour courses are selected by VIU’s Academic Council. (see Appendix 1)

3. Professors teaching two 40-hour courses in the Globalisation Programme of Venice International University will receive a Travel and Housing Allowance of €8,500 gross, to contribute to travel, housing and auxiliary costs. According to the guidelines established by the VIU Board of Directors, this sum is gross and all inclusive. The allowance is granted to one Professor from each of VIU’s member universities teaching at least two courses (40 hours each) during the Globalisation Programme.

4. Each course proposal needs to be linked to a core theme or specialisation track (See Appendix 2). Any combination of themes or specialisation tracks is permitted. To encourage interdisciplinary STEMM applications, all 3 courses can be Specialisation Tracks, and visiting lecturers do not necessarily need to teach a course on one of the more HASS-based core themes.

5. The call is open to permanent academic staff (Education and Scholarship, and Education and Research Lecturers) - Grades F and above, and a full CV needs to be submitted with each application.

6. Proposals will need a letter of support from both Faculty APVC Education and Department Director of Global Engagement, to ensure consideration is given to department logistics for an Exeter academic teaching at VIU. Appropriate allowances will need to be made in the SWARM model.

7. The call is for teaching in 15-week blocks in the VIU semesters (see Appendix 2). VIU’s Academic Calendar can be accessed here (I appreciate that 25/26 AY calendar is not yet provided by VIU, but hope the dates from other years are helpful as they are consistent & therefore helpfully indicative).

The application process will be supported by the Global Partnerships Team, who will collect proposals according to the following schedule…

Wednesday 27th September 2023: Call for Lectureships Closes. Exeter selection panel meets to review applications.

Monday 2nd October 2023: selected proposals submitted to VIU.

October 2023: VIU’s Academic Council meets to choose Globalisation Programmes, after which all applicants will be notified right away of final decisions.

If you have further questions, in the first instance please contact


Call for Applications for Lectureships

Appendix 1 - Globalisation Programme and Guidelines for Professors

Appendix 2 - Globalisation Programme Structure and Course Abstracts

Appendix 3 -  Globalisation Programme Courses Approved 2023-25

Application Form for VIU Globalisation Programme 2025/26


BANNER Perspectives In Philosophy and Translation Theory

February 26 – March 1, 2024

Call for Applications: July 20 – October 25, 2023 via the VIU website

Translation, as a practice or conceptual tool, is indispensable for each human activity. It is not just a technical problem to be solved by transferring a specific content from a linguistic system to a different one. Moreover, translation has an aesthetical, epistemological, religious, and strong political dimension. This Graduate Seminar will focus on the latter.

Translation serves as a bridge between languages and cultures. But it is also a vehicle to export or import texts conveying ideological messages, a powerful weapon for political projects, and works as a filter for identity building. Furthermore, translation is a crucial operator for both consolidating or questioning traditions. That is why inquiring about multiculturalism, world literature, or global processes without facing translation processes means avoiding an essential dimension of the subject.

By thematizing what is political in translation, we, on the one hand, deal with the most essential character of translation itself, while, on the other hand, we frame translation as a phenomenon where different political dynamics come to the fore. In this sense, translation is the exceptional terrain where processes of assimilation, differentiation, foreignization, de- and re-territorialization show their political character.

This Graduate Seminar will be led by:
- University of Padova, Italy
- Tel Aviv University, Israel
- Waseda University, Japan
- KU Leuven, Belgium

This Graduate Seminar is offered to advanced Master, early PhD students and junior researchers in Philosophy, Humanities, and Social Sciences. Open to candidates from all the VIU Member Institutions; applications from excellent candidates from non-member institutions will be also considered and evaluated.

Please find further information here.

Application Form



Application deadline: August 27, 2023

Heritage objects represent a fragile and non-renewable resource of human legacy, many of which have been irreversibly lost over the past centuries. This has undeniably called upon heritage professionals to look for proper and effective measures of safeguard and protection based on solid scientific and historical foundations. Safeguarding and learning more about heritage, in fact, means preserving not only its physical nature but also the values and meanings it carries.

This PhD Academy aims at providing a comprehensive overview of state-of-the-art analytical methodologies and diagnostic tools currently used within the heritage science domain, with a focus on pioneering methods exploiting optical, X-rays, lasers and particle probes generated by novel and/or conventional devices and accelerators along with their more recent applications to different kinds of heritage items.

Suitable for: PhD students, post-docs, and junior researchers with a background in material sciences, physics, chemistry, biology, geology, engineering, computer science, heritage science, archaeology, paleontology, art history, conservation and restoration.

Application Form


Please find further information here.


Science Diplomacy is a tool that recognizes science as a process for pursuing evidence and diplomacy as a process for dialogue and cooperation between different stakeholders. In our increasingly interconnected world, there is a growing need for science diplomacy as we are confronted by issues concerning agriculture or trade, automation or cryptocurrencies, peace & security, global health pandemics, and climate change, among many other complex challenges.

Our decision-making power is strengthened or weakened by the relevance, timeliness, reliability, and communication of information in a fast-paced changing environment. While academia includes specialties in translational science, public policy, health policy and other policy-related fields, these programs do not address the needs of the vast matrix of other scientific disciplines to provide students with training and tools to effectively partner and communicate with non-scientists, whether they are policy-makers, community leaders or the general public. This is Science Diplomacy at its core-partnerships to eliminate cultural, sectoral, and knowledge barriers. 

Rolling admissions

Application Form


Please find further information here.


Doing a PhD prepares you for a career in frontier research and education or for high-level roles in professional sectors where deep rigorous analysis is required. Besides the content specific to each discipline, there are some general procedures that are common and based on learning by doing and personal interactions. The aim of this PhD Academy is to familiarize young researchers to practice in research activities and to introduce them to their peers from other sciences and the challenges of the world outside academia. The PhD Academy will be highly interactive with several practical exercises.

Suitable for: PhD students, Post-docs, and junior researchers across all disciplines. Specifically, the class will try to combine students in social sciences, humanities and hard sciences. Open to candidates from all the VIU Member Institutions; applications from excellent candidates from non-member institutions will be also considered and evaluated.

Applications deadline: May 15, 2023

Application Form


Please find further information here.


The Summer School Films in Venice and Filming Venice is an initiative of Venice International University, in partnership with its member universities Ca' Foscari, Iuav, Tel Aviv, Waseda, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, and Exeter, organized to coincide with the 80th International Venice Film Festival. Exeter's very own Prof Sally Faulkner will be one of the teachers at this event.

The aim is to combine film theory and practice, applying them to representations of Venice, through a multidisciplinary and multicultural approach, reflected both in the composition of the faculty and the student body. In one part of the program, students will be introduced to the history, culture and anthropology of Venice and its relation to visual media. They will be offered basic notions of film analysis and film-making theory. The other part will be devoted to film-making practice. Students will be encouraged to develop a team project on Venice: a film, which will be screened and collectively discussed and analyzed at the end of the Summer School. Deserving projects will be screened at the Ca' Foscari Short Film Festival in 2024.

Applications deadline: May 30, 2023

Please find further information here.


The 10th edition of the Summer Institute on Ageing will focus on the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic in old age. The Summer Institute provides students and early-career researchers with a multidisciplinary and rigorous understanding of the ageing process, ranging from some basic notions of the medical and epidemiological literature, to key concepts in the economics and sociology of ageing.

A special focus is the use of large micro-data sets from the international family of health and retirement studies (SHARE, HRS, ELSA, CHARLS, MHAS, etc.)

This edition will present a new format:
- three full days of lectures, testimonials and hands-on sessions;
- two days workshop where scientific papers will be presented and discussed.

Applications deadline: May 15, 2023 (rolling admissions)

Please find further information here.

Migration and Gender: Legal, Sociolinguistic and Literary Perspectives

The Summer School on Migration and Gender: Legal, Sociolinguistic and Literary Perspectives offers an interdisciplinary approach to the ways in which migration intersects with gender. Gender is a constitutive element of migration. The course will discuss both this idea, and reversing the formula, it will examine the role of migration in shaping gender, understood as relational and performative. A particular focus will be on identity in relation to human rights and law, language, labor and culture. The course is an innovative exploration among three scholars in legal studies, literature and sociolinguistics, and the students.

Each discipline brings a unique perspective on the problem and set of instruments to analyze and deepen our understanding of migration and gender.

The program is particularly timely in this moment of history, in which migration is transforming societies and shaping gender. The course will model the ways in which the humanities and the imagination as well as the social sciences might inform legal processes or contour legal decisions. This will play out in two ways: first in our class discussions, and second through the students’ experiences of rewriting a legal decision from the perspective of what they have learned and discussed. In short, we hope that this course will educate a young generation of lawyers, academics and activists by raising awareness ofmany issues at the intersection of gender, migration and law.

Rolling admissions: open until June 30, 2023 via the VIU website. 

Please find further information here.

Global Shakespeare: Othello’s Venice in the World

The aim of the Summer School is to gather an international cohort of graduate students for a week-long, multi-faceted exploration of one of the most timely topics in the interdisciplinary humanities: Shakespeare’s global contexts and futures. In order to provide focus and coherence, the play Othello, set in multicultural Venice, will be taken as a case study throughout the summer school.

“Shakespeare” is now a global vernacular—a resonant language available throughout the world as a form of self-expression and enquiry. Written at a time of incipient globalisation, Othello both represents and challenges the fraught dynamics of international cultural contact. By offering troubling insights into the development of the discourse of race, and by coupling that discourse to an unstable conflict between Christianity and Islam, the play speaks powerfully to our own world of religious, ethnic, and national antagonism.

“Global Shakespeare” invites students to imagine alternatives to this increasingly fractured world. Using Shakespeare’s poetry and dramaturgy as a resource, it asks participants to consider how connections can be made across languages, religions, and nation states. The school’s multi-disciplined approach will involve students in literary analysis, politics, and theatrical performance by focusing on the intersection of (1) Shakespeare’s England and its growing interest in global connections; (2) Venice as a Renaissance site of global interaction; and (3) a twentieth-century world increasing riven, especially in the Mediterranean and its adjoining regions, by racial and religious antagonisms.

Application deadline extended: March 26, 2023

Please find further information here.

Advanced Transportation, Logistics, and Supply Chain Management

Aligning market needs with integrated sustainable transportation, logistics, and land-use planning: a unified approach

The VIU Summer School on Advanced Transportation, Logistics and Supply Chain Management is an initiative of VIU in partnership with its member universities Iuav, Stellenbosch, and Tsinghua, in cooperation with the University of Naples Federico II. This edition will take place in Naples, Italy.

The program develops an original comprehensive approach, bringing into focus the need for synergic engagement among policy-makers, planners, and private and public actors in transport, logistics and supply chain management.

The participants will explore the latest innovations in technology, business models, and policy-making. Through rigorous and non-conventional empirical and theoretical approaches we will explore emerging trends, strategic scenarios, IT and modelling tools (including demo labs), methods, case studies, and applied projects, and discuss how these can support business and policy-makers, achieve environmental sustainability, and socio-economic efficiency. Disruptive digital trends will be confronted with the physical impacts on the territory (“bits vs bricks” perspective).

Call for applications: February 9, 2023 – March 10, 2023 via the VIU website.

For further information:


Application Deadline: February 20th, 2023

In its seventh edition, this Summer School aims at the development of ideas that promote a more sustainable future by bringing together young scholars from all over the world to discuss their ideas on the Grand Transition of our society from the microlevel of individual decision-making to the organizational and the societal level. It gives young scholars the opportunity to discuss with eminent scholars in management theory and to test their ideas and present their work. Participants will become familiar with recent research from a broad set of disciplines. They will work on their ability to engage in the transdisciplinary discourse which is required for the development of innovative answers to grand sustainability challenges.

Suitable for: current PhD students, post-doc scholars and young researchers in Management, Strategy, Organization Theory, Finance, Economic Sociology, Political Science, Philosophy, Psychology, and related disciplines from universities worldwide. Applications from high level policy makers and officials in public and private institutions will be considered if their background is adequate.

Please find further information here.

Ernest Hemingway’s Presence in Venice & in the World, Now and Then

Call for applications: December 1, 2022 – March 15, 2023 via the VIU website

This interdisciplinary Summer School will take its cues from a short selection of accessible texts to explore Ernest Hemingway’s presence and influence in Venice and beyond. As for other places where he lived and worked—Pamplona, Key West, Paris, Havana—Hemingway contributed to the international aura of Venice. Reading his works in the Venetian context will not only give students access to one of the most important Modernist writers, but it will also lead them to an examination of history, geography, cultural critique, language, and culture centered in Venice. With his ubiquitous presence in Venice and in the World, Hemingway offers us a key to many an aspect of modern literature and culture.

Reading Hemingway today in the privileged context where these texts take place or were created will enable students to discover a master of style of the English language and understand why Hemingway may be one of the most influential western authors in modern literature. As an American author in Venice, he sheds light on the complicated relations US culture has entertained with Italian culture and world cultures. His relation to languages is particularly interesting, and many things are gained in translation when we read him in such an interdisciplinary and international context.

Please find further information here.


ETHICS & HEALTH CARE: Organ Transplant Ethics

Call for applications: January 20, 2023 - February 28, 2023 

The program offers professionals, students and early career researchers the opportunity to critically reflect, with the help of highly qualified experts, on topical issues that raise ethical and deontological dilemmas, relating to health care ethics.
A fundamental feature of the School concerns its method, which is characterized by a continuous and intense interdisciplinary exchange between doctors, philosophers, economists, jurists, psychiatrists and sociologists.

During this third edition, the course will focus on the problem of organ transplant ethics: the different issues raised require interdisciplinary reflection. In the procurement phase it is necessary to know how to interpret and apply the "dead donor rule". Moreover, a certain definition of death can encounter resistance and opposition in some ethnic and cultural contexts. Another problem, in this phase, may concern the correct collection of consent and the possible management of intra-family conflicts regarding donation. Various difficulties may also arise at the transplant stage: for example, the refusal (for non-medical reason) of a blood transfusion of a transplant candidate, or the use and discarding of the so-called "marginal organs", also difficult to solve. Can everyone be a donor? Is it ethically acceptable for a young child to donate the organ to an elderly parent? Are there any risks of donor conditioning? How to define therapeutic obstinacy in a field where we are dealing with complex patients whose possible outcome is not known with certainty? How to select patients? How to prioritize access to transplants? The Summer School will allow the participants to reflect on all these issues, through intense debates.

For further information and to apply, please visit the VIU website here.



Linguistic Landscapes: Using Signs and Symbols to Translate Cities

Call for applications: December 1, 2022 – February 28, 2023 

This course focuses on the growing interdisciplinary field of Linguistic Landscapes (LL), which traditionally analyses “language of public road signs, advertising billboards, street names, place names, commercial shop signs, and public signs on government buildings”, usually as they occur in urban spaces. More recently, LL research has evolved beyond studying only verbal signs into the realm of semiotics, thus extending the analytical scope into the multimodal domain of images, sounds, drawings, movements, visuals, graffiti, tattoos, colours, smells as well as people. 

Students will be informed about multiple aspects of modern LL research including an overview of different types of signs, their formal features as well as their functions.

Who is it for?

Applications are welcome from current final year Undergraduates (finalists, BA3), MA and MPhil/PhD Students in Linguistics, Sociology, Classical Studies, (Business) Communication Studies, History, Cultural Studies, Political Studies, Translation Studies or any other related discipline.

Applicants must submit the application form, a letter of motivation – which should include a brief description of the candidate’s research interests, a curriculum vitae and a photo.


LCVS, History and Classics are offering to cover the tuition fees (though not travel and accommodation) of one applicant per each department. Please apply by filling in the form here below and specify your Department. The bursaries will be offered to the candidates with the strongest motivation statement and who are the most able to benefit from the school. Please note that we will offer the bursaries if we have suitable candidates. 

For further information, please download the brochure and application form here:


Application Form

VIU Website

Or write to:


June 5-16, 2023 | 7th Edition

With the generous support of the Getty Foundation, Duke University’s Digital Art History & Visual Culture Research Lab (DAHVCR Lab), in partnership with colleagues from the Università degli Studi di Padova, the University of Exeter, and Venice International University, will be offering a two-year Advanced Topics in Digital Art History Summer Institute on the topic “Exhibiting Hidden Histories: Bringing Art History Projects to Publics through Digital Exhibitions and XR.” Led by representatives from Duke University and the partner institutions, interdisciplinary teams consisting of faculty and staff leaders, graduate students, postdocs, and other project collaborators will gather from June 5-16, 2023, in Venice, Italy at Venice International University, with follow-up activities taking place over the course of the 2023-24 academic year, and leading into a follow-on gathering in Summer of 2024.

After six editions of two-week summer workshops introducing concepts and methods for digital art and architectural history through hands-on tutorials and collaborative project development, this Institute draws upon several years of research-institute development collaboration within the Visualizing Cities consortium, most recently with a Summer Institute in Venice June 2018-19, an international Symposium at Duke University in 2020, followed by a collective gathering at the Università degli Studi di Padova in June 2022.

Course Description and Focus
Questions of how classed, racialized, and gendered individuals and social groups are erased in standard art histories or dealt with as difficult topics have become all the more urgent and central to our scholarly concerns. By engaging with the topic of Exhibiting Hidden Histories, the Institute will take a critical approach to cultural heritage and memory. The Institute leaders will draw upon examples from prior work in the Visualizing Cities Consortium (the Venetian Ghetto, Nazi-occupied Krakow, Black Charlotte, NC communities under urban renewal). In particular, all participants will begin by collaboratively modeling the issues of difficult art histories through the case study of the island of San Servolo itself, whose history encompasses its transition from a convent in early-modern Venice to a mental asylum through the Fascist period. They will be expected to take these lessons learned into developing their own individual team projects. This theme is central to current concerns in shifting art historical questions to a broader and more critical range of historical and cultural subjects.

Participant teams will bring their own examples into the conversation, and we will also discuss other examples from Digital Art History (DAH). As a group, we will consider how to work with, and convey, difficult and hidden histories, and how we might thoughtfully incorporate experiential, affective, and contradictory evidence into geospatial, immersive, and interactive narrative practices (XR) for analytic and interpretive scholarship (including public humanities). We will also consider questions of scalability, sustainability, and community engagement in relation to our digital practices. In keeping with these commitments, we will consider how to bring Digital Art Historical scholarship to public audiences. Part of our discussions in the workshop will focus on the stakes and consequences of defining and engaging one or more “publics” through work in museums, exhibitions, websites, apps, and other materials that are available to a broader public than the scholarly community.

Who is it for?
The target audience for the workshop will be established teams working in the field of digital art history or cultural heritage. We anticipate approximately 6 - 7 teams of 2 - 3 persons each, for a total of 16 - 18 participants (depending on travel costs of participants in relation to budget). Proposed teams should include senior project team leaders (PI's) as well as other partners. Applicants are expected to be leading a Digital Art History project and to have a key set of research questions identified, as well as to have demonstrated some progress in developing their research program. Groups with difficult historical topics or those that deal with bringing to the fore often overlooked cultural actors and art historical communities are especially encouraged to apply as are those teams interested in extending their work into public digital environments. Alumni of past Visualizing Venice Summer Workshops will be especially encouraged to apply on behalf of their research teams, but all parties may respond to this open call. Ideal teams will reflect the following expertise, collectively:

1. Art Historical or Cultural Heritage Expertise
2. Demonstrated interest in public-facing scholarship or translating digital scholarship to broader publics
3. Expertise in spatial analysis, 3D modeling and representation, or similar conceptual areas relevant for seminar themes
4. Developer/Programmer Expertise
5. Project Management Expertise

We ask that each team identify, on application, how their team embodies these different key components of a viable DAH collaboration. Multiple configurations, including teams that integrate graduate students and postdoctoral fellows, will be considered.

For further information, brochure and to apply, please follow this link to the VIU website.

VIU Globalisation Programme | CALL FOR SUMMER SESSIONS

We are pleased to announce the latest call for members of our academic community to teach at Venice International University, as part of VIU’s Globalisation Programme. This call is for Summer Sessions 2023. 

VIU’s Globalisation Programme, Summer Session 2023 will run from 31st July – 25th August 2023

Academic staff are invited to propose courses (short modules) from any discipline. They must be suitable and open to BA and MA students and must take into consideration that VIU students come from different cultural backgrounds (with about 20 nationalities represented in a semester) and from different academic traditions. Professors may consider team teaching solutions, either with colleagues from their own university, or in other VIU member universities.

Each course must consist of 40-hours (36 hours of in-class tuition + 4 hours of extra activities). The 36 hours of in-class teaching will be during the 4-week program at the VIU campus - indicatively 9 hours teaching per week.

This information, and further details on the call, can be found here:

VIU Globalisation Programme | CALL FOR SUMMER SESSIONS

Please note the following:

  1. All applicants must complete the below application form, and return to

    Application for Summer Sessions
  1. Applicants must put forward proposals for teaching 2 separate 40-hour courses in the summer session. 1 or 2 of those 40-hour courses are selected by VIU’s Academic Council. (see Appendix 1)
  1. Professors teaching one 40-hour course in the Globalisation Programme of Venice International University will receive a Travel and Housing Allowance of €3,000 gross, to contribute to travel, housing and auxiliary costs. According to the guidelines established by the VIU Board of Directors, this sum is gross and all inclusive. The allowance is granted to one Professor from each of VIU’s member universities teaching at least one course (40 hours) during the Globalisation Programme Summer Session.
  1. The call is open to permanent academic staff (Education and Scholarship, and Education and Research Lecturers) - Grades F and above, and a full CV needs to be submitted with each application.
  1. Proposals will need a letter of support from both Faculty APVC Education and Department Director of Global Engagement , to ensure consideration is given to department logistics for an Exeter academic teaching at VIU. Appropriate allowances will need to be made in the SWARM model, if applicable.
  1. The call is for teaching in a 4 week block in the VIU summer session.

The application process will be supported by the Global Partnerships Team, who will collect proposals according to the following schedule.

Tuesday 7th February 2023: Call for Lectureships Closes. Exeter selection panel meets to review applications (members to include relevant APVC’s Global Engagement)

Friday 10th February 2023: selected proposals submitted to VIU

Spring 2023: VIU’s Academic Council meets to choose Globalisation Programmes, after which all applicants will be notified right away of final decisions.

If you have further questions, in the first instance please contact

PCST Venice Symposium 2023

Call for presentations | Science Communication Education and Training: Challenges and Strategies for Research and Academic Institution

The VIU_PCST Venice Symposium 2023 will address current challenges that research institutions face with respect to public communication and engagement, putting together the expectations and needs of academic institutions in the area of science communication, as well as the theoretical and empirical knowledge of the PCST community along with practical experience.

A call is open to submit case studies/examples of relevant practices and experiences by academic and research institutions on:

  • supporting researchers' public communication
  • recruiting science communication professionals and developing their competences
  • evaluating and improving the quality of research communication
  • using science communication research results in institutional activities

Deadline for submissions: January 15, 2023

Application form and further information can be found here