Corporate Conscience Training

The University has a statutory duty to comply with a number of key legal and regulatory issues, which fall within the overarching heading of “Corporate Conscience”.

A training package has been developed, aimed at providing staff with an understanding of the requirements and implications in these areas. The session currently covers:

  • Anti-bribery,
  • Fraud,
  • Money laundering,
  • Criminal Finances Act; and
  • Modern Slavery Act.

It should be noted that new legal or regulatory issues may arise. Should this occur, the training will be updated to include the new requirements, and at that point you may be re-enrolled to complete the new section only.


All Senior Lecturers and grades above, and all Professional Services Staff at Grade G and above have been enrolled on and are required to complete the corporate conscience training session. For more information, please contact

You should also read the following documents, which provide further detail on responsibilities and expected behaviour: