Duration and termination of appointments

Fixed-term appointments are for a period specified at appointment and shall terminate automatically at the end of the period specified in accordance with the relevant procedure in the Ordinances of the University.

The notice requirements during probation for staff (other than in cases of summary dismissal) are:

Support staff grades A-D Staff grades E and above (except those in the Education & Research job family) Education & Research staff
  • during the first month of the probationary period either party should give one week’s notice;
  • during the next five months of the probationary period either party should give two weeks’ notice;
  • thereafter either party should give one month’s notice.
Either party may terminate the employment by giving one month’s notice. Either party may terminate the employment by giving three months' notice.


Up to and including Grade H: after satisfactory completion of the period of probation, to terminate the employment prior to the date of retirement or the notified end date of a fixed term contract, other than in cases of summary dismissal, the University should give a minimum of:

Support staff grades A-D  Support staff grades E and above  Research staff  Education & Research staff  Education & Scholarship staff 
The longer of one month's notice or one week for each year of completed continuous service, up to a maximum of twelve weeks Three months' notice Three months' notice Three months' notice to expire at the end of a term/semester (as appropriate to the teaching requirements of the post) or at the end of the long vacation. Three months' notice


Up to and including Grade H: after satisfactory completion of the period of probation, to terminate the employment prior to the date of retirement or the notified end date of a fixed term contract, the employee is required to give a minimum of:

Support staff grades A-D  Support staff grades E and above  Research staff  Education & Research staff  Education & Scholarship staff 
One month's notice Three months' notice  Three months' notice Three months' notice to expire at the end of a term/semester (as appropriate to the teaching requirements of the post) or at the end of the long vacation.  Three months' notice to expire at the end of a term/semester (as appropriate to the teaching requirements of the post) or at the end of the long vacation. 

Professors and Professorial-related staff

The notice required to terminate the employment of Professors and Professorial-related staff prior to the date of retirement or the notified end date of a fixed term contract, other than in cases of summary dismissal, is detailed in the Ordinances of the University, ie the employee or the University is required to give:

Professors  Professorial-related staff 
Six months’ notice, terminating on the final day of an academic term, or the final day of the long vacation, in any year.  Six months' notice