
The University implements changes to the national pay spine agreed in the Joint National Council for Higher Education Staff, except where modified by local agreement in accordance with the Implementation of the Framework Agreement at the University of Exeter (agreed July 2006).

Salary payments are made in arrears in equal instalments on the last working day of each calendar month by credit transfer direct to the employee’s bank/building society account*.

From each salary payment deductions are made for pension, national insurance contributions and income tax as appropriate. Arrangements may be made on request for the deduction of certain contributions (eg trade union subscriptions).

Subject to satisfactory performance, and subject to a minimum of six months’ service in the grade, increments are payable on 1 August each year until the top progression point of the grade is reached.

The University may pay contribution points to employees who have reached the top progression point of the grade in accordance with arrangements agreed with recognised trade unions.

Term-time staff have their pay including holiday pay averaged over twelve months.

The salaries of Professors and Professorial-related staff are reviewed annually by the University.

Backdated salary awards: Members of staff who are leaving or who have left the employment of the University should ensure that Human Resources is advised of their current address and bank details. Where former staff are aware that a backdated general increase has been reached a claim for the arrears should be submitted to Human Resources within 12 months of the date of the agreement.

*Please note:  If you join the university on or before the 20th of the month, your first salary payment will be made in the month that you join.  If you join the university on or after 21st of the month, your first salary payment will be made in the month after you join, and this payment will be backdated to cover the period worked in your first month.  This also applies to people transferring from the claims payroll.

Professional Services staff grades B-D

Staff in grades B to D will be compensated for overtime work (including overtime worked on Saturdays, Sundays, Bank Holidays and Closure Days), which is approved in advance by the appropriate manager, by the equivalent period of timeoff-in-lieu (to be taken by agreement of management) or, where time-off-in-lieu cannot be granted, by payment at:

  • plain time for hours worked up to 36.5 in that week
  • time-and-a-half rate for hours worked over 36.5 in that

Staff grades E and above

There is no entitlement to overtime pay for staff in grade E, except where there is an ongoing, regular need for out-of hours working to meet essential operational requirements which can only be undertaken outside of normal working hours and which is approved in advance by the appropriate manager following consultation with Human Resources (for example animal feeding).

There is no entitlement to overtime pay for staff in grades F and above.

The University may pay the additional allowances in the table below to support staff whose appointments meet the appropriate qualifying criteria.

Shift Allowance and Night Work Allowance will be amended to reflect changes in the national pay spine agreed in the Joint National Council for Higher Education Staff. Other allowances may be amended by the University from time-to-time. (Current rates are published on the Human Resources webpages.)

Allowance Qualifying criteria
Shift allowance

Working a planned and regular cycle of shifts on a long-term basis which alternate in immediate succession or overlap to cover a period of 11 hours or more in 24.

Applicable to appointments in grades B to D only.

Split duties allowance

Required to work more than one attendance to complete a day’s work where the break is two or more hours.

Applicable to appointments in grades B to C only.

Night work

Where there is a requirement by the University for work at night (ie between 10pm and 6am), as part of a planned and regular cycle of shift working, for any hours worked between 10pm and 6am, provided that no other enhanced rate is paid for any part of the time worked. 

Applicable to appointments in grades B to D only.

Standby/call-out allowance These arrangements are set out in separate documents.
First aid allowance (all new allowances ceased from 01/10/2021)

Applicable to staff who were newly qualified or requalified prior to 01/10/2021.  The allowance will continue to be paid to these staff until the expiration date of their certificate (3 year cycle) or if they stand down.  First Aiders appointed after 01/10/2021 will not receive this allowance. 

It is a requirement that Estate Patrol Officers and Sports Officers (and some other appointments, where stated in the letter of appointment) are qualified first aiders or become qualified within the 6 months of appointment. Consequently, all postholders must have an up to date first aid qualification to be able to properly fulfil all the requirements of their post during hours when they are rostered to be on duty. It is the postholder’s responsibility to arrange training with the Health and Safety Office before their first aid certificate expires. In the event that the first aid certificate is not renewed, the University will expect you to re-qualify within 8 weeks of your first aid certificate expiring. Should the qualification not be obtained within 8 weeks, the University may take steps to terminate the employment. Redeployment to other posts within the University will be considered.

Aeriel Arboricultural allowance Applicable to qualified and active tree surgeons in Grounds Services.
Tool and goods carriage allowance Applicable to operational staff in Campus Services who are required to use their own vehicles in accordance with the 2000 collective agreement between the University and recognised trade unions.
Acting up allowance Applicable in circumstances detailed in the University policy on acting-up payments.