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Translational Funding

Translational Funding

Translational Funding

Each fund in the University of Exeter Translational Funding portfolio shares the same overarching goal; to accelerate and increase the non-academic impact of university research; we aim to get research out of the labs, libraries and offices and into the real world where it can have a positive effect and demonstrable impact.

We aim to achieve this goal by providing CPD training and networking opportunities for academics at all career stages, and by funding collaborative projects with non-academic partners.

On these webpages, you will find full details of our current funding opportunities, case studies, event information, training opportunities and essential information on how to apply.

Please click here for more information re deadlines, fund guidance and applications forms.

Funding Opportunities

The aim of the ESRC IAA is to enable Social Scientists to work with partners from all sectors to apply social sciences knowledge to challenges in society. It also facilitates the creation of networks and contacts between University of Exeter social scientists and research users and agencies outside of the academic sector. The University of Exeter ESRC IAA offers the following funding opportunities:

Funding Stream


Maximum amount Available

Impact Cultivation Fund

To enable initiation and development of contacts, networks, and engagement between researchers/collaborators from beyond the academic sector to developing co-created impact projects. The rapid response element of this fund supports reasonable risk-taking and enables academics to respond quickly to urgent or rare events, taking advantage of time-limited opportunities.


Policy Impact Imagination Fund

To stimulate blue skies, innovative thinking around the application of social scientific knowledge, understanding, and skills for policy. Supports reasonable risk-taking, and continuous improvement. Proposals may be for proof-of-concept ideas, experiments or prototypes but must be geared toward an output of a demonstrable policy challenge and context. Outputs must be deliverable within the term of the award.


Impact Project Co-creation

To enable collaborative approaches with one or more non-academic partners to the exploration, development, and implementation of findings from UoE research. It aims to generate significant social or economic benefits through co-created outputs. Projects will deepen existing relationships between UoE social scientists and external partners to create wider benefits over benefits term.


Knowledge Exchange Fellowship

To deepen links between researchers and non-academic bodies through short-term, virtual, or physical staff placements (inbound or outbound). KE Fellows will act as change agents, enabling the free flow of knowledge and expertise between the organisations, thus accelerating impact. 


Strategic Initiative Fund

To develop challenge-focused interdisciplinary projects that align with strategic priorities. These projects will deliver increased social sciences engagement in the Plan for Growth, leveraged funding (business and Governmental), socioeconomic benefits, and an increase in R&D investment.  £75,000


The aim of the EPSRC IAA is to support and enable knowledge exchange (KE) and impact from their research that falls within the EPSRC remit, allowing researchers to respond to opportunities in flexible, responsive and creative way. The University of Exeter EPSRC IAA offers the following funding opportunities:


Funding Stream


Maximum amount Available

Impact Cultivation

To enable the initiation and development of contacts, networks and engagement between academic researchers and potential collaborators from beyond the academic sector.


Impact Co-Creation

To support the exploration, development and implementation of findings from academic research with committed non-academic partners though co-created impact projects.


Knowledge Exchange Fellowship


To deepen existing links between researchers and non-academic organisations by enabling inbound and outbound fellowships. This stream will enable a collaborative approach with non-academic partners and is targeted at the exploration, development and implementation of prior findings from UoE research. It aims to generate significant social or economic benefits through co-created outputs.


Impact Visionary Fund

To support interdisciplinary, curiosity driven, innovative and creative proposals for translating the outcomes of prior UoE engineering and physical science research into positive real world impact that will make significant contributions to regional, national or international challenges.


The aims of the AHRC IAA are to drive the application of arts and humanities research across a range of contemporary challenges and to enable Arts and Humanities engagement with industry and policy engagement in sectors such as, the creative industries, government departments and cultural institutions. The University of Exeter AHRC IAA offers the following funding opportunities:


Funding Stream


Maximum amount Available

Impact Cultivation Fund

To enable the initiation and development of contacts, networks and engagement between academic researchers, SMEs, third sector organisations and policy makers.


Creative Invention Fund

To stimulate and support new blue-skies applications of Arts and Humanities knowledge, understanding and skill for Creative Industries outputs.


Humane Policy Impact Fund

To enable Arts & Humanities researchers to develop or deepen a KE relationship with government and/or NGO/Third Sector in order to  produce a short-term outcome to inform policy-making.


Impact Knowledge Exchange Fellowship

To deepen existing links between researchers and non-academic organisations by enabling inbound and/or outbound Fellowships.


The aim of the MRC IAA is to accelerate the transition from discovery science to the early stages of therapeutic and biomarker development and rapidly de-risk projects across the translational lifecycle, so that they become competitive for substantial funding bids from competitions or other sources. The University of Exeter MRC IAA offers the following funding opportunities:


Funding Stream


Maximum amount Available

Impact Cultivation

To enable the initiation and development of contacts, networks and engagement between researchers and collaborators from beyond the academic sector (e.g. health departments, the NHS and charities) with a view to developing partnerships for health and economic impact.


Impact Co-Creation

To provide support for the exploration, development, and implementation of findings from academic research with committed non-academic partners (NHS, pharmaceutical, diagnostic, digital & technology companies). The aims are to de-risk and accelerate medical interventions, enhancing the use of research evidence in policy development, and develop pathways to commercialisation; and to generate significant social or economic benefits through co-created outputs.


Knowledge Exchange Fellowship


To deepen existing links between researchers and non-academic organisations (NHS, pharmaceutical, diagnostic, digital & technology companies) by enabling inbound and outbound fellowships. This stream will enable a collaborative approach with non-academic partners and is targeted at the exploration, development, and implementation of prior findings from UoE research.


Impact Visionary Fund

To support interdisciplinary curiosity driven, innovative and creative proposals for translating the outcomes of UoE Medicine and health research into positive real world impact that will make significant contributions to regional, national or international challenges


Financed by Research England’s Higher Education Innovation Fund (HEIF), the Open Innovation Platform (OIP) provides financial support for University of Exeter staff to accelerate the translation of research into economic and societal benefit by engaging and collaborating with external partners or by facilitating commercialisation. The OIP offers the following funding opportunities:

Funding Stream


Maximum amount Available

Link Fund

To support the creation of ‌links with new external organisations where there are clear opportunities for collaboration or to develop innovative ways of engaging with existing partners


Collaboration Fund

To support short-term collaborations with external organisations to translate existing research into advances in new or existing products, services, policies or practice.


We are very pleased to announce that applications are now welcome for events as part of the ESRC’s Festival of Social Science (FoSS) 2024. This year the FoSS will run from Saturday 19th October – Saturday 9th November 2024.

  • Award Available: Up to £1k to hold an event during the festival month that promotes social science and brings it to life for a non-academic audience.
  • Aim: The 2024 Festival theme is ‘Our Digital Lives’ and we are aiming for at least 25% of our events to be based on this theme.

Events on this theme can be on any aspect of the relationship between humans and digital technology.

We are not limited to the festival theme and we will welcome applications for events on any economic/social science topics likely to be of interest to the target audience for which they are designed.

Application Form: In the first instance please complete the online application form.

Guidance: ESRC Festival of Social Science 2024 - Applicant Guidance‌‌

Deadline: Friday 2nd August - 5pm


Check out the Research Toolkit for live funding opportunities.

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