
On this page we list any forthcoming events.

See also all events in the Department of Politics.

Workshop on "Climate Crisis and Democratic Imaginaries"

(View details and register for this event)

9.30-16.30 Tuesday 28 May 2024

Trevithick Room, Environment and Sustainability Institute, University of Exeter (Penryn campus)

Supported by: HaSS Cornwall and the Environment and Sustainability Institute, University of Exeter and AHRC Networking Grant: AH/Y00132X/1 (2024-2025) on Climate Crisis and Democratic Reform (James Muldoon & Clare Saunders)

Contact organiser: Andrew Schaap


Workshop on "States, Regimes, Societies"

(Find the programme and register here)

09.45 – 17.45 Monday 10 June 2024

University of Exeter Streatham Campus (Knightley)

Organised by: Global Authoritarianism Research Network; Centre for Political Thought; Voice, Participation and Governance Cluster, HaSS Cornwall

With the support of EU Horizon REDIRECT


Seminar by Professor ZHANG Shuangli (Fudan University) on “Rethinking ‘the Hegel-Marx Problem’” 

Wednesday 12 June 2024 – 12.00-2.30, Knightley Building, Board Room

Organized by Centre for Political Thought and Global China Research Centre 

(Find the abstract here)


Friday 5 May - Knightley Building, Conference Room 9.45-11.30 (the Zoom link will start at 9.50 – with the actual session starting at 10am),

Workshop on “Transcultural Modernities” (Hybrid format)

This Workshop is part of the SPSPA Graduate Conference (Programme SPSPA PGR Annual Conference

Presentations by

Professor Regenia Gagnier (Exeter University) on “Decolonizing Neoliberalism”

Professor Nan Zhang (Fudan University) on “Aesthetic Sources of Liberal Thinking”


Wednesday 10 May - 14.30-16.30, Northcote House, Senate Council Room

Seminar by Prof. Chris Armstrong (Southampton), “Biodiversity Offsetting: For and Against”

This event is organized in collaboration with the Exeter Biodiversity and People Research Network.


Thursday 11 May – 11.00-16.30, LT1/Institute Arab and Islamic Studies Building

Research Workshop on “Self, Family and Community: Eastern and Western Perspectives”

Amongst the speakers SUN Xiangchen (Dean of the School of Philosophy, Fudan University), Nathan Widder (Royal Holloway), Robin Durie (Exeter)

There is a buffet lunch for this event. Please, confirm your participation by writing to – and, because we need to give confirmation of the number of participants.


Friday 19 May – 12.00-2.30, Knightley Building, Conference Room

Reading Group Session: Professor SUN Xianchen will present a paper on “How to Interpret Chinese Philosophy to the West”. Paper to be circulated nearer the time.

There is a buffet lunch for this event. Please, confirm your participation by writing to – and, because we need to give confirmation of the number of participants.


Tuesday 23 May – 10.15-17.30, Reed Hall, Upper Lounge

“SPA-ing with Politics: Equality, Difference and Division” (This event is organized by Bice, Katharine and Nigel for SPSPA EDI)

With the Participation of Sophie Grace Chappell

This event marks the inauguration of the merged department of Social and Political Sciences, Philosophy, and Anthropology. The event explores, reflects on, and develops our shared commitment to social justice and decolonising the University, and is intended to stimulate a collegiate conversation on the ethics and politics of equality and difference. 

Download the programme: SPA-ing with Politics: Equality, Difference and Division

Please, register through Eventbrite registration. 


Friday and Saturday 2-3 June – Reed Hall

Workshop on “Imagining Emancipation in the Atlantic World, 1750-1888” (Organized by Ross Carroll).

Find details and the programme here

More information will be circulated.


Tuesday 13 June 9.30-18.00 - Seminar Rooms 10 and 11, The Forum

Research Workshop on “Ideologies and the Authoritarian Turn in Global Politics”

The workshop is organized by our Centre in collaboration with CAIS and the Network on Global Authoritarianism. Amongst the speakers: Fiona Anderson, Alex Dulkakis.

Find the Programme‌‌

More information on this event will be circulated. Registration is required for this event.


Thursday 22nd June 2023, 17:30-19:00, Knightly Building, University of Exeter

Talk by Professor Simon Tormey (University of Bristol)

“No Going Back? Late Modernity and the Populisation of Politics”

 In his talk, Simon Tormey takes up the challenge concerning the nature or ontology of populism, developing a sociological approach that seeks to locate populism within the wider processes and tendencies associated with late modernity. 

His talk will be at the end of the first day of the Conference on “Decentralized Federalism in Anarchist Political Thought” organized by Alex Prichard and Melis Kirtilli, and funded by the James Maddison Charitable Trust, with a contribution from our Centre.


22nd and 23rd of June 2023, Knightly Building, University of Exeter

Conference on: Decentralised Federalism in Anarchist Political Thought 

Find the Programme

We hope you will be able to come to both the talk and to part of all of the Conference. If you are interested in participating in the conference, please, email Melis Kirtilli,

Political Theory Reading Group

The Reading Group in Political Theory is a term-time weekly meeting of the staff and postgraduate students (both research and taught) working in political theory, also open to colleagues and students from other areas in politics, and from any other discipline. It often welcomes the participation of speakers from other Universities.

Find out more.

Workshops and book symposia

Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

Throughout the years, we have organized many workshops and symposia on topics of importance academically and of social and intellectual relevance, around which we have gathered well-established scholars as well as young researchers from the UK, Europe and other continents.  Read more.

"Urbino (Marche) - 'La città ideale'" by Renata Testa is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

There are no current events to display, but please come back soon for updates.