Centre for Simulation, Analytics, and Modelling (CSAM)

Research agenda and mission


To identify, develop, and apply advanced simulation, analytics, and modelling methods to business problems.


Research is undertaken in a number of targeted themes:


CSAM undertakes thematic applied research through advanced study funded by research grants, postgraduate research, and collaborative partnerships to achieve interdisciplinary innovation.

Project: STARS Sharing Tools and Artefacts for Reproducible Simulation

  • Co-investigators: Alison Harper and Nav Mustafee
  • Funded by: Medical Research Council (MRC).
  • Total project value: £406,000.
  • Key project partners: NHS Somerset ICB, Health Data Research UK (HDRUK), UK OR Society, The Society for Modeling & Simulation International (SCS).
  • Summary of project aims: STARS aims to improve the quality and quantity of shared discrete-event simulation models, tools, and other research artefacts in healthcare through the development of a new framework for sharing computer models, online interactive training materials for knowledge transfer, user testing, and support for simulation journals to adopt open science principles.
  • Project dates:  March 2024 to March 2026.

Project: Improving user discernment against inauthentic social media accounts

  • Principle Investigator: Mohsen Mosleh.
  • Funded by: Meta Foundational Integrity & Social Impact Research Award.
  • Total project value: 100K USD.
  • Key project partners: MIT.
  • Summary of project aims: We propose combining multi-country online surveys and digital field experiments to investigate the human capacity to distinguish inauthentic accounts from real users and identify individual characteristics that can explain why users fail to spot fake accounts.
  • Project dates:  December 2023 to December 2024.


Project: ULTIMATE: Industry Water-utility Symbiosis for a Smarter Water Society

  • Co-Investigator: Nav Mustafee
  • Funded by: EU Horizon 2020
  • Total project value: € 16.6 Million, UoE Income €400,000
  • Key project partners:
  • KWR (The Netherlands), GTG (Greece), AgRobics Ltd (Israel)
  • Summary of project aims: Wastewater can be a reusable resource and a vector for energy and materials to be extracted, treated, stored and reused. ULTIMATE will demonstrate the multiple uses of municipal and industrial wastewater through nine high-level demonstrations in Europe and the south-eastern Mediterranean from the agro-food processing, beverage, heavy chemical/ petrochemical and biotech industries. The work conducted by UEBS relates to hybrid modelling for industrial symbiosis in the water cycle using MCDA, Discrete-event, Agent-based simulation and System Dynamics. The hybrid modelling framework is implemented in three case studies.
  • Project dates: 2020 to 2024.


Project: NHSquicker-DOS: NHSquicker extension to the NHS Directory of Services (DOS) and evaluation

  • Project team: Nav Mustafee (PI), Alison Harper (CI) and Tom Monks (CI)
  • Funded by: NHS Devon Integrated Care Board
  • Total project value: £81,878
  • Key project partners: NHS Devon ICB and several other NHS Trusts in the South West of England
  • Summary of project aims: The NHSquicker project commenced in 2017 and was submitted for REF2021 (UOA17). The project's current iteration includes further development (NHSquicker version 3), extension of functionality (integration with national DOS system) and impact evaluation.
  • Project dates: 2023-2025.


Project: SPHERE: Systems and People-Centric Innovation in Healthcare Redesign

  • Co-Investigator: Nav Mustafee
  • Funded by: NIHR/EPSRC
  • Total project value: £204K
  • Key project partners: NHS (South West), Plymouth University
  • Summary of project aims: The Southwest of England has a population of 1.5 million in rural and coastal areas across Somerset, Cornwall and Devon. It has sparse spread but significant numbers of deprived and ageing populations with Multiple Long-Term Conditions (MLTCs), with the least number of healthcare professionals per capita. Addressing these challenges requires crucial research and innovation. The project is seed funding enabling the development of a full HUB proposal employing a system engineering approach to transition to patient centric services for people with multiple long-term conditions. The Hub’s focus, co-created with our partners (patients/carers and health and social care professionals), will be on coastal and rural regions and improving coordination and continuity of care for MLTCs.
  • Project dates: 2023-2024.


Project: ARSINOE: Climate Resilient-regions through Systemic Solutions and Innovations

  • Co-investigator: Nav Mustafee
  • Funded by: EU Horizon 2020
  • Total project value: €15.6 Million. UoE Income: €850K (with Engineering)
  • Key project partners:  KWR (The Netherlands), Torbay Council (Case study partner)
  • Summary of project aims: ARSINOE aims to leverage innovation for climate adaptation across a series of key systems – from sea level rise to flooding, from droughts and water scarcity to heatwaves and deforestation. ARSINOE will build an ecosystem for solutions to climate change adaptation. The work conducted at UEBS involves the development of a methodological framework (the ARSINOE Wheel) for combining modelling and simulation methods applied by ARSINOE researchers from disciplines such as Climate Change, Engineering and Operations Research, and the implementation of the framework (together with the Engineer) for the Torbay case study. UEBS is also contributing to the development of the Athens case study related to heat waves.
  • Project dates: 2021-2025


Project: SOLARIS: Strengthening democratic engagement through value-based generative adversarial networks

  • Co-investigator: Livio Fenga.
  • Funded by: Horizon Europe.
  • Total project value: €2.6 million.
  • Key partners: University of Amsterdam with 12 partners, from 8 different countries.
  • Summary of project aims: As part of the cluster 'Politics and the impact of online social networks and new media' the project is tackling fake news, hate speech, and deep fakes.
  • Project dates: Feb 2023- Feb 2026.


Mustafee, N., "Hybrid Modelling and Simulation for Transdisciplinary Science". Online invited presentation at the Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development (IOER) Forum, Dec 2023.

Mustafee, N., "Hybrid Modelling and Simulation in the Context of Industrial Symbiosis and the Water Cycle", Invited presentation at the International Symposium on "New trends in Decision-making processes for Industrial Systems,  CESI Ecole d'ingénieurs, Angoulême (France), Dec 2023.

Mustafee, N.,  "NHSquicker: Shaping Demand for Urgent Care through Real-Time Data and Digital Nudges", Online key note presentation at the 2023 International Conference on Decision Aid Sciences and Applications (DASA'23), Annaba, Algeria (Hybrid Conference), Sept 2023.

Mustafee, N., "Journal of Simulation (JOS) Meet the Editor". Online invited presentation at the 2023 International Conference on Decision Aid Sciences and Applications (DASA'23), Annaba, Algeria (Hybrid Conference), September 2023.

Disney S.M., “On the transition from make-to-stock to make-to-order”. Invited Seminar at the University of Bath, School of Management, Bath, UK. Sept 2023.  

Mustafee, N., "How to write a great peer-review report", Invited presentation, Early Career Researchers Workshop at OR65 Conference, Bath, UK, Sept 2023.

Disney S.M., “On the transition from make-to-stock to make-to-order”. Invited Seminar at the Glorious Sun School of Business and Management, Donghua University,  Shanghai, CHINA. Sept 2023.

Disney, S.M., “Discrete control theory for inventory management: A tutorial”. Invited Tutorial at the International Society for Inventory Research Summer School, Cardiff, UK. July 2023

Disney, S.M., “Meet the editors session in the inventory and logistics track”. Panel member at the 33rd Annual POMS-Conference, Orlando, USA. May 2023.


Disney S.M., “Global dual sourcing with SpeedFactories: The case of correlated demand”. Invited Presentation at the World Intelligent Manufacturing Summit, Nanjing, CHINA.  Nov 2022.

Disney, S.M., “On the order-up-to policy with intermittent integer demand and coherent forecasts”. Invited Seminar to the Logistics Systems Dynamics Group at Cardiff Business School, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK. Jan 2022.


Disney, S.M., “SpeedFactories: Global dual sourcing under correlated demand”. Invited Seminar for the OR Seminar Series at The University of Exeter, College of Engineering, Mathematics, and Physical Sciences, Exeter, UK. Jan 2021.