Islamic culture and civilisation lie at the heart of the work in the Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies. The CSI offers a critically engaged, intellectually varied and, most importantly, friendly space for postgraduate students studying for an MA or PhD to share their research.
Professor Robert Gleave, Founding Director

‘The goal of the CSI is to promote, share and celebrate research. The Centre is a home and hub for the study of Islam with multiple approaches and focuses. We aim to provide a thriving research environment for our open community in Exeter and worldwide.’
Dr István T Kristó-Nagy, Director
We organise online, in-person and hybrid events. We have a flourishing community of PhD, MA and BA students, alumni and friends.
During term time, we run our weekly online Monday Majlises (on Mondays, 17:00-18:30 UK time on Zoom), a series convened by Dr István T Kristó-Nagy inviting scholars from around the world. In the spirit of the label ‘Majlis’ and also to make the talks even more interesting, our speakers present the topic discussed as embedded in their own journey. You can watch the previous Majlises here, but we don’t record the Q&A in order to keep the discussion free.
We have established a cooperation with Circle for Late Antique and Medieval Studies. See their upcoming online events here and the recordings of their past events here.
We also run our in-person CSI Arabic Texts Reading Group (fortnightly on Wednesdays, 15.30pm-17.00 in the Language Lab in the IAIS during term time), convened by Professor Robert Gleave. In these sessions, we read classical Arabic and Islamic texts in Arabic.
We also have speakers in the Visting Speakers series of the IAIS (on Wednesdays, 17.30pm-19.00 in the LT1 of the IAIS during term time), which are also advertised on our Events list and open for all.
We organise termly hybrid research afternoons for our staff and students to present and discuss our research.
Finally, we hold workshops and conferences each year.
Please come and enjoy the talks and the discussions : ) If you’d like to be included in the CSI (Centre for the Study of Islam (Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies, University of Exeter) mailing list, please contact the CSI Manager: Ms Sarah Wood.