TARC & IQTE Partnership – Events

The programme of activities for the "Behavioural Compatibility between Individual Choice and Collective Action" project includes a wide range of events, including workshops, masterclasses and reciprocal visits by partnership researchers.

Events have taken place at both the University of Exeter and the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences over the course of the three year research project.

Previous TARC & IQTE Events


Event Venue Notes
January 2019 TARC visit to IQTE IQTE, Beijing TARC researchers visited IQTE, and held joint workshops at Renmin Unniversity and Tsinghua University
5 - 6 February 2018 TARC Visit to IQTE IQTE, Beijing TARC researchers visited IQTE to participate in academic discussions and visit the School of Government, Peking University.
23 - 26 May 2017 Masterclasses IQTE, Beijing TARC researchers visited IQTE to deliver masterclasses on the topics of:
  • The Application of Agent-Based Modelling in Policy Analysis (Nigar Hashimzade)
  • The Application of Experimental Methods to Economic Policy Design  (Miguel Fonseca, and Cecilia Chen)

26 - 27 April 2017

IQTE Visit to TARC

TARC, Exeter

Researchers from IQTE will be visiting TARC to attend the 5th Annual TARC Workshop

22 - 23 June 2016


TARC, Exeter

IFS, London

TARC & IQTE researchers participated in a two-day workshop programme.

23 - 24 November 2015 Launch Workshop  IQTE, Beijing

TARC researchers visited IQTE to take part in a "Behavioural Compatibility between Individual Choice and Collective Action" project launch workshop.