Collaboration - our partners

We value our regional, national and international partnerships across a range of fields, all with the common goal of beating dementia. Most importantly, we work closely with people with dementia, their families and their carers, to ensure our research is relevant to them and is addressing unmet need.

Our partners include:

NHS partnerships

Close links with the Department of Health, NHS England, and health trusts regionally, notably the Devon Partnership NHS Trust and Clinical Commissioning Groups. This ensures our research is relevant to the needs of the NHS and guides clinical practice

NHS England
• NIHR CRN dementia research network
Cochrane Collaboration Dementia and Cognitive Improvement Group

Key funder in biomedical research including genomics and dementia and brain networks in dementia.
Supporst PhD programmes through the GW4 partnership

Funded the GREAT trial and co-funds the IDEAL and PROTECT trials

Supports dementia care research, particularly through the NIHR Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care South West Peninsula - or PenCLAHRC. Funding for biomedical research and the Exeter Clinical Research Facility, which facilitates clinical and translational research. 

Funds Professor Linda Clare through the Centre for Research Excellence in Cognitive Health

Co-funds the IDEAL study and funds the associated arts project A Life More Ordinary.

Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)

Funding a project exploring the role of identities and behaviour in the digital age.

Industry partnerships


Further information and support can be accessed at 

Connect to our partnership development teams for easy access to collaborative research and development, skilled people, and innovation.

Charity partnerships

Supports our Centre for Excellence in Dementia Care and Alzheimer’s Society Exeter Doctoral Training Centre.
Part of the Alzheimer’s Society CFAS Doctoral Training Centre

Supports our ARUK Doctoral Training Centre

Supports research into dementia prevention, treatment and care.
Involved in the Wellcome Centre for Cultures and Environments of Health