Areas of research
Our research interests can be associated with the following research areas. We also supervise masters and doctoral projects related to these areas.
Information on postgraduate programmes can be found on the School of Education website.
Applied linguistics
- Corpus linguistics (Philip Durrant)
- EAP (Esmaeel Abdollahzadeh, Philip Durrant)
- Assessment (Will Pearson)
Sociolinguistics, social psychology
- Social interaction (Li Li)
- Multilingual socialisation (Gabriela Meier)
- Multilingualism and EAL (Katie Howard, Gabriela Meier)
- Reading, writing, vocabulary (Dongbo Zhang, Philip Durrant)
- CALL, technology (Li Li, Dongbo Zhang, Salah Troudi)
- Thinking skills (Li Li)
Critical, pluritheoretical
- CALL, technology (Li Li, Dongbo Zhang)
Language education policy
- EMI (Salah Troudi)
- Multilingualism, social cohesion, identity (Gabriela Meier)
- Language curriculum (Salah Troudi)