Theoretical Physics

Theoretical Physics

The Theoretical Physics group’s interest lies in advancing our understanding of fundamental physics phenomena, and using this knowledge to predict and describe new experiments and applications.

Our research ranges from classical wave theory to quantum information theory, to condensed matter physics and nano physics. For example, we investigate the electromechanical properties of nanoscale materials such as graphene, the spin dynamics of magnetic materials at ultrafast timescales, the light-matter interactions between light and metamaterials, and the occurrence of Hawking radiation in laboratory systems.

To tackle these topics we use analytical and numerical methods including classical wave theory, quantum optics, density functional theory (DFT), micromagnetics and magnonics, and exactly solvable models.

Group members

Name Role Specialisms
Prof Janet Anders Associate Professor in Quantum Theory Quantum thermodynamics, quantum information theory, optomechanics
Dr Steven Hepplestone Lecturer Physics of energy storage, energy conversion, interfaces, nanomaterials and electronics
Dr Simon Horsley Senior Research Fellow Theory of electromagnetism and wave physics, quantum electromagnetism in dielectric media
Dr Daniel Kattnig Senior Lecturer Effects of weak magnetic fields on chemical reaction yields relevant to animal magnetoreception
Professor Volodymyr Kruglyak Associate Professor of Physics Magnonics, ultrafast magnetism, micromagnetic modelling
Dr Eros Mariani Senior Lecturer Theoretical condensed matter physics, graphene and nano-electromechanical systems
Dr Wolfram Möbius Research Fellow Effects of environment structure on the evolution of expanding populations
Professor Mikhail (Misha) Portnoi Associate Professor Exactly-solvable problems in quantum and statistical mechanics, anyon excitons in the fractional quantum Hall effect regime
Dr Andrey V Shytov Lecturer Condensed matter theory (focussing on nanoscale quantum phenomena), nanophysics
Professor Gyaneshwar Srivastava Professor of Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics Physics of electrons and phonons
Dr Luis A. Correa Lecturer Open quantum systems, quantum thermodynamics
Dr Oleksandr Kyriienko Lecturer Quantum polaritonics with semiconductor nanostructures
Postdoctoral research fellow Research area
Dr Hai-Yao Deng Plasmonics, topological photonic crystals and nanoelectrochanical systems
Dr Iorwerth Thomas  
Jesus Rubio Works with Janet Anders


PhD student Research area Supervisor
Shane Davies Nanoscale patterning of materials to improve their thermoelectric properties Steve Hepplestone, David Horsell, G P Srivastava
Narima Eerqing Testing fluctuation relations of conformal changes of biomolecules Frank Vollmer, Janet Anders
Kevin Fripp Spin wave phenomena for high speed spin wave devices Volodymyr Kruglyak
Zoe Holmes (Imperial College London) Physical realisations of quantum thermodynamic phenomena Florian Mintert (Imperial), Janet Anders, David Jennings (Imperial) 
Oliver Latcham Excitation of spin waves in magnetic elements using surface acoustic waves

Volodymyr Kruglyak, Geoff Nash

Angus Laurenson Spin-wave interference in magnonic structure: Bragg scattering and beyond Volodymyr Kruglyak, Jacopo Bertolotti
Jamie Le Signe Probing mechanics in quantum mechanics – Josephson nano-resonator metamaterials Saverio RussoEros Mariani
Thomas McDermott   Eros Mariani
Charlie-Ray Mann Manipulating the properties of light through interaction with matter Eros Mariani
Stefano Scali   Janet Anders, Simon Horsley 
Darren Nutting   Eros Mariani, Annette Plaut
Connor Sait A quantum thermodynamic study to improve magnetic data storage Janet Anders, Simon Horsley, Rob Hicken
Ned Taylor Colossal permittivity materials Eros Mariani, Steve Hepplestone
Natalie Whitehead Graded index magnonics

Volodymyr Kruglyak, Tom Philbin, Simon Horsley

Dean Patient Solid State Refrigeration using 2D/Meta materials

Simon Horsley, Geoff Nash