Low income households

If you want to go to university, we believe you should have the opportunity to do so without financial barriers getting in the way. We have a range of advice and practical help at various stages of your journey with us. Our cost of living web pages provide the latest information about how to manage financially while studying with us.

Fair access schemes

If you are hoping to study at university and come from a low household income background, you may be eligible for a number of outreach/progression schemes. Read more about the pathways which could be available for you under our Exeter Scholars programme which is fully subsidised and available for Yr10 pupils upwards. Check your eligibility and how to apply.

Contextual offers

If you apply to us for undergraduate study, we will take your personal context into consideration when we make you an offer. If you are eligible for free school meals or live in a deprived neighbourhood, you may be eligible for a grade reduction. Visit our undergraduate study site for more information.

Full details of how to fund your studies is available on the Government Student Finance web pages.

At the University of Exeter we offer bursary support (financial awards which are either means tested or dependent on meeting certain criteria) and scholarships (funding awarded via a competitive process based on merit).

Access to Exeter Bursary

The Access to Exeter Bursary is awarded automatically to home undergraduate and PGCE students disclosing a household income of less than £30,000. Eligibility is dependent on information provided to Student Finance England (or equivalent) - so when you apply to us, it is really important to share your income details from your student finance application.

Care leavers' tuition fee waiver

If you are under the age of 25 and have been looked after by a UK local authority for more than 13 weeks since the age of 14, including some time at the age of 16 or 17, you may be eligible for a full tuition fee waiver. 


Information about means-tested and academic scholarships and funding can be found through our funding database (most are available for all students, based on academic merit, residency and level of study) via our funding database.

Senior Scholars benefits

Students who have undertaken our Exeter Scholars programme are eligible for a range of scholarships and benefits if they successfully complete the scheme and progress to undergraduate study here.



Student Finance During your studies with us, you may be eligible for a range of additional funding and support. We also have plenty of information to signpost you to these services.

Financial Advice

Advice on Finance issues is available through the Student Information Desk (SID) or via our Student Unions’ advice units, who can offer information and advice on student loans, bursaries, grants, tuition fees, welfare benefits, income tax, council tax, financial hardship, debt problems, debt management and budgeting.

Student Societies

The Students’ Guild, supported by the generous assistance of Exeter alumni offers the Student Activities Hardship Fund. This fund is open to any student who sees the membership fee as a barrier to their engagement with our societies and groups. 

Additional funding

The University’s Success for All Success for All hardship fund can be applied for by all registered Undergraduate and Postgraduate University of Exeter students who are experiencing financial hardshop.

Priority will be given to students undertaking their first degree who are from low income households or without family support. The majority of funds are means-tested and you will be asked to provide evidence in support of your application.

Further information about the Success for All hardship fund can be found here

We also have specific bursaries available to support care leavers, student carers and estranged students.

Further information about financial support for undergraduate students is available here.

Students on low incomes in receipt of the Access to Bursary fund are eligible for a range of employability support including one-to-one consultancy with our Widening Participation Employability Advisor; paid internships; international experiences and financial support.

Career Zone

Support, advice and services are available through the Career Zone, including information about specific employability schemes aimed at students from lower-economic backgrounds. Schemes such as Global Leaders also offer subsidized places to students from widening participation backgrounds.

Access to Internships scheme

The Access to Internships (A2I) scheme offers paid internships with a range of companies and sector to widening participation students and recent graduates.

For further information on the scheme, criteria and how to apply, see the A2I webpage.

Study abroad

Subsidised places may be available on our Global Leaders programme depending on eligibility. We also offer tuition free summer school places with some of our partner institutions. See Study Abroad for more information.