I've been affected

If you've been affected

If you've been affected

1. I have an issue with another student - what are my options?

Firstly, explore informal ways to resolve the issues (see points 1-4).

Welfare - Peer 2 peer conflict resolution:

Meeting facilitated by trained staff - you and the other party can talk around the concerns to find a way forward together.


Meeting facilitated by a University Mediator - you and the other party will mediate through the issues to reach a way forward acceptable
to all parties.

Who can I talk to?

College or Residence Life/Living Support Meeting:

A meeting can be facilitated to negotiate to help you and the other party find a way to continue to studying or living (as relevant) together without having a negative impact on each other. This meeting can be facilitated by an Education Support Advisor - Welfare/ Residence Life/ Living Support (as relevant to your situation).

If informal resolution is unsuccessful, you may wish to submit a Formal Complaint to Student Cases. We would consider if action should be taken under the Student Disciplinary Procedure, or if another route exists to correct the circumstances.

Student Vs Student complaint for the above information as a PDF.

2. I have an issue with another student: What happens if I make a formal complaint?

Formal complaint - submitted to the Student Cases Team.

A formal complaint will consider if action will be taken under the Student Disciplinary procedure. 

Note: Complaints cannot be anonymous. Complaints can only be brought by registered students.

What happens? 

You will invited to an Investigation meeting which will hear how the issues have affected you and receive any evidence you have about what has happened. The aim will be to identify ways to correct the situation and could recommend mediation


We will decide if disciplinary action should be taken and will normally hear accounts from all people involved.

You will normally be told if disciplinary action has been taken, not what action has been taken in accordance with Data Protection legislation.


You and the other party will mediate through the issues to reach a way forward that is acceptable to both parties and the University.


If you are not happy with the outcome you can ask the University to review your case: you must do this within 10 working days of receiving the outcome.

3. A Major Disciplinary Board is hearing my complaint against another student and I have been asked to attend - What can I expect?


  • Student Cases will make arrangements for the meeting and will give you will be given at least 10 

    working days notice of the date and time
  • You will be asked to attend as a witness
  • You will have a supporter at all times
  • You will not have to be in the same room or building as the accused student
  • All questions that are asked of you will be asked by the Chair

Who will be there?

You will be told in advance who will be there but generally there will be 3 members sitting on the Major Disciplinary Board: two senior members of the University and a Sabbatical Officer of the Students’ Guild/Athletic Union President/SU Falmouth and Exeter Officer (in Cornwall).

  • The Investigating Officer will be there to present the case to the Board
  • The student(s) accused of misconduct and any supporter that they have with them in the meeting
  • The accused student may have called witnesses who may be present


When the Board decides what to do you will be told the outcome within 5 working days.


If you wish to ask the University to review the handling of your case, you have 10 working days from the date you receive the outcome.

Need any further advice?

You can ask for advice from Student Cases or Students' Guild Advice or The Falmouth and Exeter Students' Union

You can download the above information as flowchart PDF documents below:

  1. Student Vs Student complaint
  2. Formal complaint - student v student
  3. Complainant - MDB