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About Research and Innovation at Exeter

The University of Exeter is the UK’s fastest growing research university. We are leaders in cutting-edge science, engineering, mathematics, and medicine research, and have a world-class reputation in the humanities and social sciences.

In the Research Excellence Framework 2021, 99 per cent of our research was rated as international quality, with 89% internationally excellent and 47% world-leading. Our world-leading research impact has grown by 72% since 2014, more than any other Russell Group university.

Work with us

We are constantly seeking new ways to engage with government, industry, and the community to build productive and sustainable business partnerships and tackle some of the fundamental issues facing humankind. Our reputation as a reliable and trusted partner for collaborative research is based on many years of successful and mutually advantageous partnerships regionally, nationally and globally.

We work with businesses and industry partners on more than 2,000 projects a year, worth in excess of £60 million. We can help you innovate, transform your team and accelerate your business growth to gain a new competitive advantage or break into new markets. Whether you want to develop new products and services, find new ways of operating, reduce costs, improve efficiency or access the latest technologies, our world-class research can help you find a solution.

Ethical research

Our Ethics Policy sets out the institution’s intention to promote the highest standards of scientific, scholarly and professional integrity. We support researchers to work accordance with the UUK concordat to support research integrity and the University's Code of Good Practice in the Conduct of Research.

Codes and Policy documents are available on our Research Integrity page where you can also find out more about the University of Exeter’s approach to research integrity and Statement on Research Integrity.

For more information please contact Research Ethics and Governance Team.