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Research Institutes and centres

Institutes and centres

Institutes and centres


Environment and Sustainability Institute

The institute’s research theme Energy, Materials and Resources includes work that spans clean technologies, bioremediation, reducing waste and developing methods of use that reduce environmental impact or harm.

Global Systems Institute

The Global Systems Institute (GSI) is uniting a trans-disciplinary group of researchers, educators and partners to look beyond single ‘environmental’ issues to a truly systemic view of coupled global changes in the human, social and economic sphere and biosphere.


Exeter Centre for Circular Economy

Established in 2017, the Exeter Centre for Circular Economy is globally recognised for thought leadership, theory and practice. The centre's aim is to catalyse the transition to a circular economy which is 'regenerative, accessible and abundant' through broader value chain opportunities and utilising the digital and technological revolution. 

Land, Environment, Economics and Policy Institute (LEEP)

The LEEP develops knowledge and understanding to inform governments, businesses and communities about how land and the environment are managed and used; the policies that affect this; the impact upon people and how policy should be better designed, appraised and evaluated. 
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Centre for Energy and the Environment

The Centre for Energy and the Environment conducts applied research and consultancy into sustainable buildings, energy and environmental policy and the impacts of climate change on the built environment.

The European Centre for Environment and Human Health (ECEHH)

The World Health Organization (WHO) has officially designated the University of Exeter’s European Centre for Environment and Human Health as a Collaborating Centre on Natural Environments and Health. This recognises the Centre’s significant contribution to science and policy-making from a decade of interdisciplinary research. The Centre forms an integral part of a network to inform the WHO in its work in setting global health priorities and supporting member states to tackle health challenges.
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