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Quick Start Guides

Please click here to access the general Quick Start Guide. on how to use the Above & Beyond portal. 

We have also produced a Guide on using eCodes/eVouchers.

Above and beyond

Above and Beyond is the University's employee recognition scheme that celebrates the excellent contribution our employees make to the success of the University.

It offers an exciting way to recognise and reward great performance that drives the University Strategy forward. Introduced in 2015, Above and Beyond enables timely and meaningful recognition to occur for work that is significantly above and beyond expectations.

We want like to recognise the hard work, commitment and achievements of all staff, individually and as part of team, through a fair, flexible, responsive and transparent recognition scheme.

We also want to encourage everyone to say thank you more often! Simply saying thanks, or sending a thank you card, as well as more formal appreciation from a manager makes everyone feel more valued.

Above and Beyond shines a spotlight on the University Values and the people who live them, and supports the University Strategy by reinforcing what makes the University a success. It helps create a line-of-sight between an individual’s performance and the performance of the University.

Recognising performance

A simple well done or thank you has a great impact on motivation and sense of value. We want to encourage all staff to take control, identify what’s good and recognise the contribution each other makes.

Through Above and Beyond, staff are able to send any colleague within the University an eThank-you card in appreciation of the contribution they have made that has gone above and beyond what was expected of them. The eThank you cards enable staff to describe how an individual or team has made the difference.

Colleague-to-colleague recognition gives the opportunity to recognise day-to-day events or actions that line managers may not see.

Research has shown that recognition from co-workers is usually highly valued because colleagues understand what they do on a day-to-day basis.

Above and Beyond is the University's employee recognition scheme that celebrates the excellent contribution our employees make to the success of the University. Introduced in 2015, the objectives of the scheme are to enable timely and meaningful recognition to occur for work that is significantly above and beyond expectations, individually and as part of team. Simply saying thanks, or sending a thank you card, as well as more formal appreciation from a manager makes everyone feel more valued.

Here are some statistics for how the scheme has been used since 2015.