Calendar 2019/20

Regulations Governing Academic Programmes

2 Faculty of Graduate Research

2.6 Regulations Governing the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy by Publication
1 Eligibility
1.1 The following may apply for registration for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy:
  (a) Graduates of the University
  (b) Graduates of other Universities and Institutions of Higher Education approved by the Senate
  (c) Other persons who can satisfy the provisions of Ordinance 13.2
1.2 Applicants will normally be expected to have at least a Second Class Honours degree or to have reached an equivalent standard in a General or unclassified degree or other qualification.
1.3 Applicants whose native language is not English must provide evidence of competence in English Language sufficient for research study, and after admission to the University may be required to take additional instruction in English Language, normally at INTO University of Exeter.
1.4 Applicants must be able to supply a coherent portfolio of published work, with their application, normally published within the 5 years prior to application, which demonstrably meet the programme learning outcomes listed under 5.4.
2 Registration
2.1 Registration shall be effective not earlier than the beginning of the term in which the candidature is formally approved.
3 Conditions of Study
3.1 Candidates will be registered as full-time or as part-time students with a supervisory team approved by the Pro-Vice-Chancellor & Executive Dean of College according to the requirements set out in the ‘Code of Good Practice - Arrangements for the Supervision of Research Degree Students’.
4 Continued Registration
4.1 Candidates may not register for more than the specified programme length set out in the 'Statement of Procedures: Periods of Registration and Changes to Registration Status for Graduate Research Students' . In exceptional cases the Pro-Vice-Chancellor & Executive Dean of College may grant a stipulated period of extension.
4.2 Candidates are required to submit a report on their research at the end of each academic year; failure to submit will normally result in termination of registration.
4.3 A candidate who fails to make satisfactory progress may be required to withdraw.
4.4 Each candidate is required to re-register at the beginning of each academic year until the required thesis has been submitted.
4.5 Students who do not re-register within 4 weeks of the designated registration period will be deemed to have withdrawn and will have their registration terminated. Subsequent requests for reinstatement will be considered under the terms of reinstatement of registration.
4.6 Candidates may, with the approval of the Pro-Vice-Chancellor & Executive Dean of College, be registered on Continuation Status provided they have completed their research and will not be undertaking any significant additional research.
4.7 In the case of candidates who hold positions within the academic job families in their College it shall be for their Pro-Vice-Chancellor & Executive Dean of College to assess annually their progress towards submission for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and assess whether continuing registration remains appropriate.
5 Process of Assessment
5.1 The candidate will be required to produce a 10,000 word chapter (maximum) which shall  explain how the work forms a coherent whole, and explain how it meets the doctoral assessment criteria. This chapter along with the publications1 shall be submitted in the prescribed form which shall not exceed 100,000 words excluding bibliography, appendices and abstract, and will normally be required to take a viva voce examination. Candidates may supplement the publications they included in their application portfolio with any work published subsequent to their registration so long as all items included in the thesis have been published at the point of submission.
5.2 Candidates must normally submit three copies (which shall include a summary of approximately 300 words) in the format prescribed by the ‘Presentation of Theses/Dissertations for Degrees in the Faculty of Graduate Research: Statement of Procedures’, or two copies for staff candidates, which shall become the property of the University.
5.3 The College shall recommend to the Dean/ Associate Dean of the Faculty acting on behalf of the Faculty Board, an internal examiner and two external examiners. In the case of candidates who hold positions within the academic job families in their College no internal examiner shall be appointed, however the Pro-Vice-Chancellor & Executive Dean of College shall identify a member of staff who will undertake those administrative duties, which would normally fall to the internal examiner.
5.4 In assessing the thesis, please see:
5.4.1 for students who commenced their studies prior to the 2016-17 academic year
5.4.2 for students who commended their studies, or re-registered following a period of interruption, from the 2016-17 academic year2
  5.4.1 For students who commenced their studies prior to the 2016-17 academic year: In assessing the thesis the examiners will require:
  (a) evidence that it forms a distinct contribution to the knowledge of the subject;
  (b) evidence of originality;
  (c) evidence of the candidate's ability to relate the subject matter of the thesis to the existing body of knowledge within the field, and;
  (d) a satisfactory level of literary presentation.
  5.4.2 For students who commenced their studies, or re-registered following a period of interruption, from the 2016-17 academic year: In assessing the thesis the examiners will require evidence of:
  (a) the creation and interpretation of new knowledge, through original research or other advanced scholarship, of a quality to satisfy peer review, extend the forefront of the discipline, and merit publication;
  (b) a systematic acquisition and understanding of a substantial body of knowledge which is at the forefront of an academic discipline or area of professional practice;
  (c) the general ability to conceptualise, design and implement a project for the generation of new knowledge, applications or understanding at the forefront of the discipline, and to adjust the project design in the light of unforeseen problems;
  (d) a detailed understanding of applicable techniques and advanced academic enquiry;
  (e) a satisfactory level of literary presentation.
5.5 It shall be within the discretion of the examiners to make one of the following recommendations:
  (a) that the degree be awarded;
  (b) that the degree be awarded subject to the candidate making minor amendments to the integrated chapter to the satisfaction of one or more of the examiners as may be agreed between them;.
  (c) that the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy by publication be awarded subject to the candidate making major amendments to the integrated chapter to the satisfaction of the examiners as may be agreed between them
  (d) that the degree of Master of Philosophy by Publication be awarded;
  (e) that no degree be awarded.
5.6 The examiners are required, when making their final report to the Dean/ Associate Dean of the Faculty, to indicate for the information of the candidate the reasons for their decision, and where amendments are required to indicate those aspects or parts of the thesis/thesis which they regard as inadequate and the nature and extent of the re-writing required.

In this context publication is taken to mean publicly available assessable outputs, comparable to the range of outputs defined by the Research Assessment Exercise 2008 (RAE 03/2005 - RAE2008: Guidance on submissions (June)) and any future research exercise and as deemed appropriate in a disciplinary context.

  2The assessment outcomes for awards within the Faculty of Graduate Research, as outlined in these Regulations, have been bought into line with the language used in the 'Credit and Qualifications Framework', a direct adoption of the language contained in the national ‘Frameworks for Higher Education Qualifications of UK Degree-Awarding Bodies’. The outcomes for students who commenced their studies prior to the 2016-17 academic year, also aligned with the national frameworks, but did so without direct adoption of the Framework language.