Mechanical Workshop Job Submission

Mechanical Workshops: 

How to use the online system 

Please use the new online system to submit a job to the Workshop Team. Log in using your University username and password and follow the instructions. 

What happens next? 

The online system will send you an automatic reply informing you that your job has been received. This will include your job number and a link to the online system where you can monitor the progress of your job. If you wish to submit further information or update your job request you can do this via the app 

If the workshop has any questions regarding your job you will be contacted by a technician using the chat feature. You will receive updates from the team throughout the process and you will be informed when your job is ready for collection. 

What are the goals? 

  • It is important that we account for workshop time and materials properly. 

  • We want a system that is transparent and fair to everyone. 

  • You will be able to contact the appropriate technician directly about your job at any time and you will be notified directly when the job is complete. 

  • The system should make the job submission process more efficient and increase productivity. 

How does it work? 

Anyone requesting a job through the workshops should complete the online form with all the relevant information and description the job. The job will sit in a virtual queue and be directed to an appropriately skilled technician (prioritised by submission date) when workload allows. 


CSM Sample Prep Workshop: 


There will soon be a new online job submission platform in place for raising Sample Prep requests for the Penryn Sample Prep workshop.