Propose a Graduate Activity

Graduate Activities are delivered by Academic Staff from VIU member institutions. Engagement and input to the proposal and delivery of Graduate Activities by Exeter Academics is encouraged. They can help to foster cooperation among VIU member institutions by facilitating the exchange of knowledge and ideas. They provide opportunities to build and strengthen networks around areas of shared interest within the consortium.

The term ‘graduate activities’ includes the PhD Academy; Graduate Seminar; Summer/Winter School.

PhD Academies are an intensive training programme for PhD candidates from the member universities of VIU. The Academy is a 5-7 day event, which includes an academic programmeand a parallel program of training and workshops that provides PhD candidates with training in a range of skills that will be useful in developing their research and academic careers.

Graduate Seminars are thematic intensive seminars given in a concentrated period on subjects of universal interest, open to a broad spectrum of disciplines. They are suited to both Master’s and PhD students and are open to candidates from all the VIU member institutions. Significant cooperation among departments in the member universities is expected.

VIU Summer/Winter Schools are intensive taught programmes that may be offered for successive years. They may be addressed to students of varying levels, depending on the program. The Schools are also open to applicants outside of the VIU membership.

Graduate Activity financial support

VIU consortium funds are available to support the organisation of graduate activities. The funds may be used for travel and subsistence costs of participants, including both students and professors; for accommodation for participants on campus, and for catering. Classroom and office facilities, staff support etc. will be provided by VIU.

How to propose a Graduate Activity

The VIU web pages provide detailed information on how to propose graduate activities – found HERE. These pages include links to the brochures and the guidelines published by VIU to helpfully provide regularly updated versions of the latest information. 

We include here a typical timeline for proposing and developing subsequently approved activities. A budget is not required for the preliminary proposal. VIU will invite successful preliminary proposals to be developed to a final, costed programme and the budget is to drawn up by consultation between VIU and the coordinator, for the Dean of VIU to sign off on ahead of invitation to students to apply.

March 2023 Proposals for activities in the calendar year 2024
April 2023 Evaluation and decision by VIU Academic Council
April to September 2023 Coordination between Academic Coordinators and VIU staff; setting dates, defining the programme, preparing brochures and webpage
September 2023 Finalise and refine brochures, webpage, and programme
October 2023 VIU publish online; send ‘Save the Date’; start social media campaign to promote and inform
December 2023 Open calls for applications to take part in the activity / Application Deadline typically 3-4 months before start date
September 2023 Proposals for activities in the calendar year 2025
October 2023 Evaluation and decision by VIU Academic Council
January to September 2024 Coordination between Programme Coordinators and VIU staff on setting dates, soliciting contributions from other universities, defining the programme, preparing brochures and webpage
September 2024 Finalise and refine brochures, webpage, and programme
October 2024 Publish online and send ‘Save the Date’. Start Social media campaign
December 2024 Open calls for applications to take part in the activity / Application Deadline typically 3-4 months before start date