Academic visitors

As well as regular visitors to the Department’s research seminar programme, the Centre, and research projects associated with it, are pleased to be able to welcome academic visitors for various periods of time.

Ralph Hochschild

Dr Ralph Hochschild recently spent a sabbatical leave (Sept-Dec 2018) working at Exeter on a project on a social-scientific approach to the parable of the “Rich Fool” (or rich farmer) in Luke’s Gospel. Dr Hochschild, following a PhD in New Testament studies at the University of Heidelberg, works as a “Schuldekan”, responsible for religious education in schools in a region of Baden-Württemberg, Germany.

Love Sechrest

Love Sechrest, Associate Professor of New Testament at Fuller Seminary, California, USA, visiting from 14-17 March 2016 under the auspices of the AHRC-funded project on Ethnicity, Race and Religion in Early Christian and Jewish Identities. She is the author of A Former Jew: Paul and the Dialectics of Race (T&T Clark, 2009) and co-chair of the African American Biblical Hermeneutics section in the Society of Biblical Literature.

Professor Denise Kimber Buell

Denise Kimber Buell, Dean of Faculty and Cluett Professor of Religion at Williams College, Massachussetts, USA visiting from 17-22 April 2016 under the auspices of the AHRC-funded project on Ethnicity, Race and Religion in Early Christian and Jewish Identities. She is the author of Why This New Race: Ethnic Reasoning in Early Christianity (Columbia UP 2005) and Making Christians: Clement of Alexandria and the Rhetoric of Legitimacy (Princeton UP 1999).

Professor Musa Dube

Musa Dube, Professor in the Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies, University of Botswana, Botswana, visiting from 1-14 August 2016 under the auspices of the AHRC-funded project on Ethnicity, Race and Religion in Early Christian and Jewish Identities. She is the author of Postcolonial Feminist Interpretations of the Bible (Chalice Press, 2000); The HIV and AIDS Bible: Some Selected Essays (University of Scranton Press, 2008) and co-editor of Postcolonial Perspectives on African Biblical Interpretations (Society of Biblical Literature, 2012).

Dr Aikaterini Tsalampouni

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, visiting 4-8 March 2013.

Professor Hanna Roose

University of Lüneburg, Germany, visiting 16-23 May 2012 under the Erasmus scheme which supports academic exchanges. Professor Roose presented an undergraduate lecture on the parables and led a study day for postgraduate students.

Dr Elisabeth Boase

Director of Studies, Department of Theology, Flinders University, Brisbane, Australia, visited in May 2012. Dr Boase visited because of an interest in the Exeter project on the Bible and Environmental Ethics. She presented a paper on Lamentations for which she is writing an Earth Bible commentary.

Dr Kevin McDonnell

Rector Emeritus, Catholic Bible College, La Rochelle, Johannesburg, South Africa, visited March-May 2012. Dr McDonnell visited because of an interest in the Bible and Environmental Ethics project. He presented a paper on reading the Bible in a time of ecological crisis and is preparing academic and educational materials on the subject of the Bible and Environmental Ethics.

Professor Harry Maier

Professor of New Testament Studies, Vancouver School of Theology, Canada, visited 25 April-23 May 2009. Progessor Maier presented a research seminar and advised on the Uses of the Bible in Environmental Ethics project.

Professor Todd Still

Associate Professor of Christian Scriptures, George W. Truett Theological Seminary, Baylor University, Waco, Texas, visited 1-13 December 2008. Professor Still completed an edited book with David Horrell on social-scientific study of the Pauline churches 25 years after The First Urban Christians, presented a research seminar and advised on the Uses of the Bible in Environmental Ethics project).

Professor Ernst Conradie

University of the Western Cape, South Africa, visited 27 January-23 February 2008. Professor Conradie advised on the Uses of the Bible in Environmental Ethics project.