Exeter Centre for Leadership
For over 20 years, the Exeter Centre for Leadership has produced research that has made an impact on leadership thinking and practice with organisations and individuals. The centre is focussed on the pursuit of responsible leadership and the specific themes of the relationship between leaders and followers, inclusivity, well-being and the future of work. It takes an interdisciplinary approach working with other leading academic institutions globally and partnering with organisations from the private, public and third sectors. The centre’s work on responsible leadership informs teaching at undergraduate, postgraduate and executive education levels.
With Proficiency in Leadership
University of Exeter Students from across the Streatham Campus* can get ‘with proficiency in Leadership’ added to their degree title, thanks to the Business School’s degree enhancement pathway...
Latest news
- The executive success factors that lead directly to jail - Financial Times
- Forgiving your boss can increase job satisfaction - University of Exeter news
- Too much inequality impedes support for public goods - University of Exeter news
- Attuned to others? Then you’re better able to judge the performance of a team - University of Exeter news
- Lack of awareness of inequality means we penalise those who have least - University of Exeter news
- 'Jekyll and Hyde' bosses are worst for workers' wellbeing - The Telegraph
- Bosses with 'Jekyll and Hyde' personalities cause staff more stress than managers who are ALWAYS nasty - Mail Online
- Bosses, here's a great way to boost employee productivity: Create positive culture in workplace - The Times of India
- Bosses who put their followers first can boost their business - Science Daily
Leadership Insights
- Learning about leadership - Ciara Eastell
- Responding to need - Ciara Eastell
- Looking after yourself and others - Ciara Eastell
- Leading in Lockdown - Ciara Eastell
- Video - EAWOP Small Group Meeting 2019
Transforming Culture in Financial Services -
John Sutherland
Bloomberg - With U.K. Banks Hit by Scandal, Regulator Demands Ethics Change - Looking for leadership among the otters of Malo Para - Justin Featherstone MC
- Getting to grips with culture, (FCA Insight) - John Sutherland
- Book review - The Shepherd’s Life: A Tale of the Lake District - Morgen Witzel
- Book review - Kindness in Leadership - Morgen Witzel
- How Organisations Can OVERCOME Conflicting Identity and Reputation - By William Harvey, Tim Morris and Milena Santos