

Research Strands and Publications linked to the Centre include:

Macedonian and Hellenistic Dynasties:

  1. Ogden, D. (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to Alexander the Great, CUP, 2024.
  2. Meccariello, C. (2024) ‘Teaching Propaganda: Water, Food and Power in the Livre d’Ecolier’, in L. Del Corso/A. Ricciardetto, Greek Culture in Hellenistic Egypt: The Literary Experience, Berlin/Boston.
  3. Nicholson, E. (2023) Philip V of Macedon in Polybios' Histories: Politics, History, and Fiction, OUP.
  4. Nicholson, E. (2023) ‘Power, Politics and Court Management in the Reign of Philip V of Macedon’, M. de Carvalho, A. Moreno Leoni & N. F. José (eds.) Impérios e Redes de Sociabilidade no Mundo Antigo (Empires, Emperors, and Social Networks).
  5. Ogden, D. (2021) Philip II of Macedon: A Biography, Routledge.
  6. Nicholson, E. (2018) ‘Philip V of Macedon, 'Eromenos of the Greeks': A Note and Reassessment,’ Hermes, 146, 241-255. 
  7. Ogden, D. (2017) The Legend of Seleucus: Kingship, Narrative and Mythmaking. CUP. 
  8. Mitchell, L. (2013) The Heroic Rulers of Archaic and Classical Greece, London, Bloomsbury Academic.
  9. Mitchell, L. (2013) ‘Alexander the Great: divinity and the rule of law’, in L. Mitchell & C. Melville (eds.), Every Inch a King, Leiden, 91-107.
  10. Ogden, D. (2013) ‘The Alexandrian foundation myth: Alexander, Ptolemy, the agathoi daimones and the argolaoi’ in V. Alonso-Troncoso & E. Anson eds. After Alexander: The Time of the Diadochoi, Oxford, 241-52.
  11. Ogden, D. (2013) ‘The Ptolemaic foundation legends’ in S. Ager & R. Faber (eds.) Belonging and Isolation in the Hellenistic World. Phoenix Supplementary Volume 51, Toronto, 184-98.
  12. Ogden, D. (2011) Alexander the Great: Myth, Genesis and Sexuality, Exeter.
  13. Mitchell, L. (2007) ‘Born to rule? The Argead royal succession’, in W. Heckel, P. Wheatley, & L. Tritle (eds.) Alexander’s Empire: Formulation to Decay, Claremont,  61-74.

Hellenistic historiography and literature: 

  1. Meccariello, C. (2024) ‘Teaching Propaganda: Water, Food and Power in the Livre d’Ecolier’, in L. Del Corso/A. Ricciardetto, Greek Culture in Hellenistic Egypt: The Literary Experience, Berlin/Boston.
  2. Nicholson, E. (2023) Philip V of Macedon in Polybios' Histories: Politics, History, and Fiction, OUP.
  3. Nicholson, E. (2022) "Polybius (1), Greek historian, c. 200–c. 118 BCE", in Oxford Classical Dictionary, Oxford.
  4. Nicholson, E. (2021) ‘Polybios and the Rise of Rome: Gramscian Hegemony, Intellectuals, and Passive Revolution,’ E. Zucchetti, A. M. Cimino (eds.) Antonio Gramsci and the Ancient World, Routledge.
  5. Nicholson, E. (2020) ‘Hellenic Romans and Barbaric Macedonians: Polybius on Hellenism and Changing Hegemonic Powers,’ Ancient History Bulletin, 34.1-2, 38-73.  
  6. Meccariello, C. (2020) ‘The Fountain of Arsinoe in ​Supplementum Hellenisticum​ 978’,​ Segno e Testo 18, 1-16.
  7. Nicholson, E. (2018) ‘Polybios, the Laws of War, and Philip V of Macedon,’ Historia - Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte, 67, 434-453. 

Imperial Greek literature:

  1. Meccariello, C.(2023) ‘Myth and Actuality at the School of Rhetoric: The Encomium on the Flower of Antinous in Its Cultural and Performative Context’, Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 113, 261-89.
  2. Ogden, D. (2020) ‘Lucian’s Chaldaean snakeblaster and the hagiographical dragon-fight tradition (yet again),’ G. Rocca & G. Bevilacqua (eds.) Gift of a Book: Studi in memoria di David Jordan. Edizioni dell’Orso, Alessandria, Italy, 229-48.  
  3. Ogden, D. (2019) ‘The waters of Daphne or The drakōn source again,’ Les Études classiques 87 [Special edition:  M.-C. Beaulieu & P. Bonnechere (eds.)  L'eau dans la religion grecque: paysages, usages, mythologie], 41-63.  
  4. Ogden, D. (2014) ‘The sorcerers of Lucian’s Philopseudes’ [in Japanese] supplementary pamphlet for Lucian III in the Kyoto Classical Texts series, Kyoto, 2014, 2-5. 

Late antique religion & literature:

  1. Flower, R. & M. Ludlow (2020) Rhetoric and Religious Identity in Late Antiquity, OUP.  
  2. Meccariello, C. (2020) ‘A Catalogue of Virtuous Women. Myth and Mythography in Clement of Alexandria, Stromateis 4.19.118-123’, Vigiliae Christianae 74, 411-432.
  3. Flower, R. (2016) Imperial Invectives against Constantius II: Athanasius of Alexandria, History of the Arians, Hilary of Poitiers, Against Constantius, and Lucifer of Cagliari, The Necessity of Dying for the Son of God, Liverpool.
  4. Collar, A. (2013) Religious Networks in the Roman Empire, CUP.
  5. Mitchell, S. (ed.) One God: Pagan Monotheism in the Roman Empire, CUP, 2010.
  6. Van Nuffelen, P. (ed.) Monotheism between Christians and Pagans in Late Antiquity, Leuven, Peeters, 2010.

Ancient Health & Medicine:

  1. Baltussen, H., Clarke, J., & King, D. (eds.) Pain Narratives in Greco-Roman Writings: Studies in the Representation of Physical and Mental Suffering, Brill, 2023.
  2. Wilkins, J. (2012) Galien. Sur les facultés des aliments, Paris, Belles Lettres.
  3. Gill, C., T. Whitmarsh, & J. Wilkins (eds.) Galen and the World of Knowledge, CUP, 2009.
  4. Gill, C. (2009) The Structured Self in Hellenistic and Roman Thought, OUP.