Complications of diabetes

This theme explores the consequences of diabetes on different organs and systems in the human body and seeks to identify novel avenues of treatment.

The group's aim is to make a difference to the lives of people living with diabetes.  It aims to understand how diabetes affects different parts of the human body, to be able to design and develop intervention to improve the quality of life of people living with this disease.

Complications of diabetes is a diverse group of scientists/clinicians, who are based in the laboratory, in clinical research and in the clinic. Their backgrounds span from cell biology and gene regulation to neurophysiology, vascular physiology and computer science.

The studies make use of human volunteers, model organisms, tissue cultures and high-performance computing for data analysis.

The group works extensively with Exeter’s wider diabetes community and is always eager to ensure that its research plans are of relevance to the community of people living with diabetes.

The group has a wide range of collaborations, both nationally (Cambridge BHF Centre of Research Excellence, NHSBT, Imperial College, University of Bristol, King’s College London, University of Nottingham, University of Dundee, University of Leeds, University of Sheffield) and internationally (Human Technopole IT, Swedish Blood Service, Danish Blood Service, Sanquin, Lund University, University of Turku, University of Bordeaux, University of Bari Aldo Moro, University of Pisa).

The group receives funding from several charities within the UK (Diabetes UK, British Heart Foundation, Royal Academy of Engineering, Kidney Research UK) and beyond, as well as from industry, the EU, NIHR and UKRI.

We are especially proud to host fellows holding awards from major funding agencies and are always keen to welcome new colleagues with relevant expertise who can broaden and enhance our research activity.

Name Role
Professor Angela Shore Professor of Cardiovascular Sciences, Scientific Director, NIHR Clinical research Facility
Associate Professor Seb Oltean Associate Professor in Experimental Medicine and Therapeutics  
Associate Professor Mitra Tavakoli Associate Professor of Medicine
Dr Jacqueline Whatmore Senior Lecturer in Cell & Molecular Biology & Clinical Microvascular Research
Associate Professor Neil Vaughan Associate Professor in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
Associate Professor Mattia Frontini Associate Professor of Cell Biology and BHF Research Fellow
Associate Professor David Strain    Associate professor and honorary consultant
Dr Craig Beall Senior Lecturer
Dr Kim Gooding Research Fellow
Dr Megan Stevens Research Fellow
Dr Kuni Aizawa  Research Fellow
Dr Chris Kelsall Research Fellow
Dr Francesco Casanova Research fellow
Dr Katarina Kos   Consultant and Clinical Senior Lecturer
Dr Mark Gilchrist   Consultant and Clinical Senior Lecturer
Dr Jennie Williams  NIHR Clinical Lecturer
Andrew Forbes Brown Research Associate and PhD Student
Ali Baity PhD Student
Aneesah Turais PhD Student
Catherine Russon PhD Student
Cynthia To  PhD Student
Erich Hecanova  PhD Student
Jiping Zhang  PhD Student
Josie Carmichael  PhD Student
Monica Lamici Ayine PhD Student
Natalia Rolinska PhD Student
Rebecca Symons PhD Student
Abi Moss PTY Student
Sertan Yesilyurt PTY Student

The Complications of Diabetes research group uses the following research facilities and technologies:

  • RILD Molecular Biology Resources
  • NIHR Clinical Research Facility (CRF)

More details of all of these can be found here.