Early Career Researcher Networks


Early Career Research Networks (ECRNs) are designed to help support our Early Career Researchers in the beginning stages of their career. The ECRNs are designed to help raise awareness of new developments in a particular field: new tools, processes, leaders, training programs, and services. They are also an opportunity for collaborative problem solving and to get advice from other Early Career Researchers. We have ECRNs in most disciplines and at times they sometimes cross different research groups. 

Internal ECRNs: To view the full list of Early Career Research Networks please visit our dedicated ECR SharePoint for the latest information.

External ECRNs: The British Academy ECR Network: in 2021, the British Academy in partnership with the Wolfson Foundation launched an Early Career Researcher (ECR) Network for the humanities and social sciences. The Network is researcher-led and inclusive, accessible to all researchers regardless of their funding source or background. The Academy is working with the University of Birmingham, the GW4 Alliance, University of Sterling and the University of Glasgow to deliver the Network across the UK.