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Photo of Dr Anna Baldycheva

Dr Anna Baldycheva

Assistant Professor (Senior Lecturer) in Electronic Engineering

 (Streatham) 2796

 01392 722796

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Dr. Baldycheva is a leader of STEMM Laboratory - highly interdisciplinary academic research lab working on applied R&D of smart materials, devices and systems for real world applications and more recently also in the AI and IoT, having produced several innovations and a technology spin-out. STEMM Lab specifically conducts applied research in cooperation with industry and business.

With over 15 years of combined experience in pioneering R&D within prestigious academic institutions such as MIT, TCD, Tyndall and the University of Exeter, Dr Baldycheva is an internationally recognised female researcher, expert in emerging technologies, innovator, and entrepreneur in STEMM, being featured in Forbes and other media.

Dedicated and accomplished female academic with a strong background and a passion for fostering innovation in Nano-Engineering, Opto-Electronics and Photonics, AI and IoT. Combining a solid foundation in academic research and teaching with application and entrepreneurial focus, she aims to contribute to both academia and the business world by bridging the gap between theory and practice.

Dr Baldycheva’s dedication to advancing science and technology extends to her role as a Fellow, Board Member and Trustee of several esteemed Scientific Communities and Societies. Dr Baldycheva is a Fellow of Royal Microscopical Society (RMS) and a Fellow of the Royal Higher Education Academy (FHEA). She is a trustee and chair of the EPMS section of the RMS. At the RMS Prof Baldycheva also actively involved in the outreach activities to support and promote women in microscopy and related disciplines, as well as running and organising events for children.

She is also a founder and trustee of STEMM Global Scientific Society - the first international academic network helping scientists and innovators to connect and to establish collaborations on emerging technologies projects across STEMM disciplines. She is the founder and the main driver behind the Women in STEMM Initiative - It’s Her! featured.  Since 2019 she serves on the committee of the Jocelyn Bell Brunel PhD Scholarship to support physicists from under-represented groups. 

Since 2015 Prof Baldycheva is an expert in Future and Emerging Technologies at the European Commission. She has published over 100 scientific publications to date with over 1000 citations.  She is an editor in chief of the InSTEMM Journal, an associate editor of the Nature Scientific Reports and Discover Nano Journals, and a guest editor in a number of recognised scientific journals.

100+ Publications:130 peer-review & conference proceedings; 1 Patent; H-index: 20; Citations:1288

50+ Highlights in Press: national and international news (incl. Forbes and Forbes Tech Council).

69 Talks: 28 invited, 6 keynote and 4 plenary

STEMM Lab Divisions

  • Smart Composite Materials

Development of new multi-functional materials for applications in flexible and liquid electronics, smart coatings, E-textiles, and building and structural materials.

Innovations: -Graphene Water-repellent Nanocoating Platform Technology 

  • Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence

STEMM AI Lab research interests span from the development of high-accuracy computational calculations to the integration of machine learning and AI into the real-world ecosystems of healthcare, education, and communications.

Innovations: - Artificial Emotional Intelligence – digital platform for emotion recognition for online education

Electronic-Nose for Early-Stage Lung Cancer Detection (>100 highlights in media worldwide, > 200 citations)

  • Opto-Electronics and Photonics

System-level integration of novel nano-materials into photonics devices, and the engineering of the thin film flexible (opto-)electronic devices for applications in communications, computations, energy harvesting, bio-chemical sensing and artificial intelligence.

Innovations: -Pioneers in Fluid Opto-electronics and Photonics (>50 highlights in media worldwide)

PhD Supervision:

Benjamin Hogan, PhD in Physics/Engineering, 2019, Fluid-Dispersed 2d Material Composites for Integrated Optoelectronic and Photonic Devices                          

Liam Trimby, PhD in Physics/Engineering, 2019,  Phase-Change Meta-Devices for Tuneable Bandpass Filtering in the Infrared   (with industrial support Qinetiq)                                   

Joaquin Faneca Ruedas, PhD in Engineering, 2020, Tunable Silicon integrated photonics based on functional materials   (with industrial support Lumentum)                      

Kate Berseneva, PhD in Engineering, 2020, Quantum Electrodynamics and Relativistic Corrections of the g-Factor and Hyper Fine Structure Splitting in Li- and B-like Ions

Emanuele Gemo, PhD in Physics/Engineering, 2021, The Design and Analysis of Novel Integrated Phase-Change Photonic Memory and Computing Devices

Ineta Grikalaite, PhD Candidate in Physics/Engineering, expected 2024, Terahertz Photonic Metadevices with Carbon Nanomaterials (with industrial support Tydex)


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Copyright Notice: Any articles made available for download are for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the copyright holder.

| 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 |











  • Purnawirman, Su Z, Bradley JDB, Shah Hosseini E, Baldycheva A, Singh G, Magden ES, Adam TN, Leake G, Coolbaugh D. (2015) Compact rare-earth-doped microring lasers monolithically integrated on silicon chips, Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
  • Purnawirman, Su Z, Bradley JDB, Shah Hosseini E, Baldycheva A, Singh G, Magden ES, Adam TN, Leake G, Coolbaugh D. (2015) Compact rare-earth-doped microring lasers monolithically integrated on silicon chips, Proceedings 2015 European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics - European Quantum Electronics Conference, CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2015.
  • Sorace-Agaskar C, Callahan PT, Shtyrkova K, Baldycheva A, Moresco M, Bradley J, Peng MY, Li N, Salih Magden E, Purnawirman. (2015) Integrated mode-locked lasers in a CMOS-compatible silicon photonic platform, CLEO: Science and Innovations, CLEO-SI 2015, DOI:10.1364/CLEO_SI.2015.SM2I.5.
  • Baldycheva A, Lorcan Brennan, Alexander Loudon, Yuri Gun’ko, Tatiana Perova. (2015) Investigation of composite structures based on graphene and graphene oxide, Graphene 2015, Imagine Nano 2015, Bilbao, Spain, 10th - 13th Mar 2015.


  • Purnawirman, Hosseini ES, Baldycheva A, Sun J, Bradley JDB, Adam TN, Leake G, Coolbaugh D, Watts MR. (2014) Erbium-Doped Laser with Multi-segmented Silicon Nitride Structure, Optical Fiber Communication Conference, Optical Fiber Communication Conference, DOI:10.1364/ofc.2014.w4e.5. [PDF]
  • Purnawirman, Su Z, Bradley JDB, Shah Hosseini E, Baldycheva A, Singh G, Magden ES, Adam TN, Leake G, Coolbaugh D. (2014) Compact rare-earth-doped microring lasers monolithically integrated on silicon chips, Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
  • Purnawirman, Su Z, Bradley JDB, Shah Hosseini E, Baldycheva A, Singh G, Magden ES, Adam TN, Leake G, Coolbaugh D. (2014) Compact rare-earth-doped microring lasers monolithically integrated on silicon chips, Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, volume Part F4-CLEO 2015.
  • Purnawirman, Hosseini ES, Moresco M, Su Z, Timurdogan E, Baldycheva A, Bradley JDB, Sun J, Adam T, Leake G. (2014) Integrated Al2O3:ErPr3+ DFB laser for temperature control free operation with silicon nitride ring filter, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe - Technical Digest, volume 2014-January.
  • Purnawirman P, Shah Hosseini E, Baldycheva A, Sun J, Bradley JDB, Adam TN, Leake G, Coolbaugh D, Watts MR. (2014) Erbium-doped laser with multi-segmented silicon nitride structure, Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
  • Purnawirman, Shah Hosseini E, Moresco M, Su Z, Timurdogan E, Baldycheva A, Bradley JDB, Sun J, Adam T, Leake G. (2014) Integrated Al2O3: Er3+ DFB laser for temperature control free operation with silicon nitride ring filter, Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.


  • Li GV, Astrova EV, Dyakov SA, Baldycheva A, Perova TS, Tikhodeev SG, Gippius NA. (2013) Surface Tamm states in a photonic crystal slab with asymmetric termination, Physica Status Solidi - Rapid Research Letters, volume 7, no. 7, pages 481-484, DOI:10.1002/pssr.201307151.
  • Li GV, Astrova EV, Zharova YA, Dyakov SA, Baldycheva AV, Perova TS, Gippius NA, Tikhodeev SG. (2013) Tunable microcavity based on macroporous silicon: Feasibility of fabrication, Journal of Lightwave Technology, volume 31, no. 16, pages 2694-2700, DOI:10.1109/JLT.2013.2272037.
  • Li GV, Astrova EV, Zharova YA, Dyakov SA, Baldycheva AV, Perova TS, Gippius NA, Tikhodeev SG. (2013) Tunable microcavity based on macroporous silicon: Feasibility of fabrication, Journal of Lightwave Technology, volume 31, no. 16, pages 2994-3000.





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Further information

Academic CV


2008 - 2012

Trinity College, University of Dublin, Ireland

Ph.D. in Electronic and Electrical Engineering

2003 - 2008

St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia 

BSc with Honours in Physics

2016 – 2017

University of Exeter, UK

Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice

2009 - 2010                                              

Smurfit Business School, University College Dublin

National Institute of Technology Management, Ireland

Postgraduate Certificate in Technology Management (Executive MBA)

Professional Experience

Academic Positions                                              

2018 - present

University of Exeter, UK

Senior Lecturer in Electronic Engineering

2014 – 2018

University of Exeter, UK

Lecturer in 2D Materials

2012 – 2014

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA

Postdoctoral Research Associate

Entrepreneurship and Leadership

2023-           Founder of GSurf, University of Exeter Spin-out, UK

2023-           Trustee, Member of Council, Royal Microscopical Society, UK

2022-           Founder of It’s Her! Women in STEMM 

2021-           Founder and Editor-in-Chief, InStemm Journal, STEMM Global, UK

2021-            Founder of STEMM Junior (national outreach scientific programme for kids from disadvantaged backgrounds  

                    in collaboration with city councils “Bringing science to kids!”) STEMM Global, UK

2019-           Founder and Trustee of STEMM Global Scientific Society, UK

        2014-           Established research laboratory “STEMM Lab” at the University of Exeter, UK

        2012-2014   Leading thin film fabrication team, Photonic Microsystems Group, Massachusetts Institute of

                    Technology (MIT), USA

        2013-2014   Leading CMOS laser integration team, Photonics Microsystems Group, Massachusetts Institute     

                    of Technology (MIT), USA

        2011-2012   Leading Science Foundation Ireland project, Tyndall National Institute, Ireland

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