Case studies - What metamaterials can do for you!

What metamaterials can do for you

If you haven't come across the term metamaterial before, you might scratch your head in wonder. Or maybe you were never quite sure what 'metamaterials' actually are, and how they could be relevant to you.

There are many different definitions of metamaterials, but we include any engineered material whose interaction with energy is at least in-part due to its small-scale structuring. Profs Alu and Engheta also offer the definition below ["Enabling a new degree of wave control with metamaterials: a personal perspectiveā€¯; Journal of Optics, Volume 19, Number 8 (2017)]:

"Metamaterials are artificial materials whose wave interactions are complex enough to not simply average out from the response of their constituent elements, but instead they emerge from the precise control of geometry, arrangement, alignment, material composition, shape, size and density of their constituent elements, typically small resonators or subwavelength inclusions."

Try the case studies below as some examples of what metamaterials can do for you in real life!

And if there are any questions left or ideas to explore, don't hesitate to get in touch:

Case studies