
Photo of Prof Yanqiu Zhu

Prof Yanqiu Zhu

Chair of Functional Materials

 (Streatham) 3620 or (Streatham) 5868

 01392 723620 or 01392 725868


Royal Society Industry Fellow (RSIF), Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC), Fellow of The Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (FIMMM). 

Yanqiu Zhu was born in China. He received his BSc and MSc degrees in Materials Science from Harbin Institute of Technology (Harbin, China) in 1989 and 1992 respectively, then move­d to Tsinghua University (Beijing, China) to study carbon nanotubes with Prof D H Wu, and obtained his PhD degree in Materials Science in 1996. After 8 months stay in National Institute for Materials Sciences in Tsukuba, Japan, as a COE Fellow working with Prof T Sekine, he joined the Sussex Fullerene Science Centre at the University of Sussex in Brighton, England, in April 1997, working with Prof Sir H W Kroto and Dr D R W Walton. During that lengthy period Dr Zhu, as a Research Fellow, studied carbon nanotubes, inorganic nanomaterials and in particular the so-called Inorganic Fullerenes, WS2 nanoparticles and nanotubes. From December 2003, he started his EPSRC Advanced Research Fellowship at the School of Materials, Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering at the University of Nottingham, where he became a Reader and Associate Professor in Nanomaterials from January 2008. At Nottingham, he established the Nanotubes Laboratory in the Wolfson Building, and carried out extensive research on a wide scope from nanomaterials to nanocomposites etc. He took the Chair of Functional Materials at Exeter in August 2010. Based on his Nanotubes Laboratory, Prof Zhu developed the Functional Materials Lab.

Prof Zhu is an author/co-author of over 200 peer reviewed scientific journal papers, with accumulated citations in excess of 15000 times and an h-index of 66 from SCI, and citations of over 15000 times and an h-index of 67 from Google Scholar.

His main area of expertise is experimental synthesis, characterisation of advanced nanomaterials and nanocomposites with interesting functionalities, covering fundamental nanomaterials science and applied nanocomposites development.

Research Interests

His research covers a broad spectrum across a wide range of nanomaterials and nanocomposites, with specific interests on their functionalities.

His team's fundamental research focus is on the synthesis and characterization of 1-dimentional structures, from carbon nanotubes to other transition metal oxide nanowires, sulphide nanotubes and complex functional metal oxides with 1-D, 2-D and 3-D structures, using techniques such as chemical vapour deposition, solid state and soft-chemistry synthesis. Nanocomposites fabrication using these novel nanostructures is also a main research focus. The processing parameters, structural features and interfacial reaction that underpin the physical and mechanical properties of these nanocomposites lie in this category.  Furthermore, the performance of the new nanomaterials and nanocomposites under very high pressures, dynamic and static, covers the third aspect of his team's fundamental research.

Applied research is concentrated on the application of carbon nanotubes, graphene and other ultra-thin oxide nanorods for nanodevice construction and in the detection of toxic gas and biomedical molecules, in energy generation via solar cells and in electrochemical energy storage in supercapacitors/batteries. The use of advanced lightweight and highly tough nanocomposites of both ceramics and polymer matrices for dynamic protection is yet another active research theme in the Functional Materials Laboratory.

PhD Opportunities

We welcome applications for self-spponsored PhD programme, and are happy to support quality applications for the 2023-2024 round CSC scholoship.   

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Copyright Notice: Any articles made available for download are for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the copyright holder.

| 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 |






















  • Zhu YQ, Jin YZ, Kroto HW, Walton DRM. (2004) Co-catalysed VLS growth of novel ceramic nanostructures, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY, volume 14, pages 685-689, article no. 4, DOI:10.1039/b312498n.
  • Xie SH, Zhou WZ, Zhu YQ. (2004) Formation mechanism of Mg2SiO4 fishbone-like fractal nanostructures, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B, volume 108, pages 11561-11566, article no. 31, DOI:10.1021/jp049663j.
  • Jin YZ, Zhu YQ, Whitby RLD, Yao N, Ma RZ, Watts PCP, Kroto HW, Walton DRM. (2004) Simple approaches to quality large-scale tungsten oxide nanoneedles, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B, volume 108, pages 15572-15577, article no. 40, DOI:10.1021/jp048596q.
  • Whitby RLD, Hsu WK, Zhu YQ, Kroto HW, Walton DRM. (2004) Novel nanoscale architectures: coated nanotubes and other nanowires, PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY A-MATHEMATICAL PHYSICAL AND ENGINEERING SCIENCES, volume 362, pages 2127-2142, article no. 1823, DOI:10.1098/rsta.2004.1432.
  • Jin YZ, Hsu WK, Chueh YL, Chou LJ, Zhu YQ, Brigatti K, Kroto HW, Walton DRM. (2004) Large-scale production of NbS2 nanowires and their performance in electronic field emission, ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION, volume 43, pages 5670-5674, article no. 42, DOI:10.1002/anie.200460447.
  • Jin YZ, Hsu WK, Zhu YQ, Watts PCP, Chueh YL, Chou LJ, Kroto HW, Walton DRM. (2004) Production of aligned carbon nanotube films and nitrogen doped carbon nanotube films from the pyrolysis of styrene, Bundesminist Bild, Wissensch & Kultur; Phantoms; Verein Forder Int Winterschulen; Bruker Opt Gmbh; Electro V Ac Gmbh; Jobin Yvon Gmbh; Nanocarblab; Nanocyl Sa; Omicron Nano Technol Gmbh; Phys Status Solidi, Wiley Vch; Vakuum U Syst Tech Gmbh, ELECTRONIC PROPERTIES OF SYNTHETIC NANOSTRUCTURES, volume 723, pages 53-56.




  • Zhu YQ, Hsu WK, Terrones M, Firth S, Grobert N, Clark RJH, Kroto HW, Walton DRM. (2001) Tungsten-niobium-sulfur composite nanotubes, CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS, pages 121-122, article no. 01, DOI:10.1039/b007074m.
  • Hu WB, Zhu YQ, Xu WG. (2001) Generation of multi-hollow crystalline Mo fibres, SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES B-CHEMISTRY, volume 44, pages 203-206, article no. 2, DOI:10.1007/BF02879539.
  • Hsu WK, Zhu YQ, Yao N, Firth S, Clark RJH, Kroto HW, Walton DRM. (2001) Titanium-doped molybdenum disulfide nanostructures, ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS, volume 11, pages 69-74, article no. 1.
  • Hsu WK, Zhu YQ, Firth S, Terrones M, Terrones H, Trasobares S, Clark RJH, Kroto HW, Walton DRM. (2001) WxMoyCzS2 nanotubes, CARBON, volume 39, pages 1107-1111, article no. 7, DOI:10.1016/S0008-6223(01)00039-2.
  • Zhu YQ, Hsu WK, Firth S, Terrones M, Clark RJH, Kroto HW, Walton DRM. (2001) Nb-doped WS2 nanotubes, CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, volume 342, pages 15-21, article no. 1-2, DOI:10.1016/S0009-2614(01)00534-6.
  • Zhu YQ, Hsu WK, Kroto HW, Walton DRM. (2001) Carbon nanotube template promoted growth of NbS2 nanotubes/nanorods, CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS, pages 2184-2185, article no. 21, DOI:10.1039/b106388j.
  • Zhu YQ, Hsu WK, Zhou WZ, Terrones M, Kroto HW, Walton DRM. (2001) Selective Co-catalysed growth of novel MgO fishbone fractal nanostructures, CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, volume 347, pages 337-343, article no. 4-6, DOI:10.1016/S0009-2614(01)00939-3.


  • Hsu WK, Li WZ, Zhu YQ, Grobert N, Terrones M, Terrones H, Yao N, Zhang JP, Firth S, Clark RJH. (2000) KCl crystallization within the space between carbon nanotube walls, CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, volume 317, pages 77-82, article no. 1-2, DOI:10.1016/S0009-2614(99)01347-0.
  • Hu WB, Zhu YQ, Hsu WK, Chang BH, Terrones M, Grobert N, Terrones H, Hare JP, Kroto HW, Walton DRM. (2000) Generation of hollow crystalline tungsten oxide fibres, APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING, volume 70, pages 231-233, article no. 2, DOI:10.1007/s003390050039.
  • Grobert N, Terrones M, Trasobares S, Kordatos K, Terrones H, Olivares J, Zhang JP, Redlich P, Hsu WK, Reeves CL. (2000) A novel route to aligned nanotubes and nanofibres using laser-patterned catalytic substrates, APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING, volume 70, pages 175-183, article no. 2, DOI:10.1007/s003390050030.
  • Zhu YQ, Hsu WK, Grobert N, Chang BH, Terrones M, Terrones H, Kroto HW, Walton DRM, Wei BQ. (2000) Production of WS2 nanotubes, CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS, volume 12, pages 1190-1194, article no. 5, DOI:10.1021/cm991189k.
  • Hsu WK, Firth S, Redlich P, Terrones M, Terrones H, Zhu YQ, Grobert N, Schilder A, Clark RJH, Kroto HW. (2000) Boron-doping effects in carbon nanotubes, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY, volume 10, pages 1425-1429, article no. 6, DOI:10.1039/b000720j.
  • Zhu YQ, Hsu WK, Grobert N, Terrones M, Terrones H, Kroto HW, Walton DRM, Wei BQ. (2000) Self-assembly of Si nanostructures, CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, volume 322, pages 312-320, article no. 5, DOI:10.1016/S0009-2614(00)00440-1.
  • Hsu WK, Chu SY, Munoz-Picone E, Boldu JL, Firth S, Franchi P, Roberts BP, Schilder A, Terrones H, Grobert N. (2000) Metallic behaviour of boron-containing carbon nanotubes, CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, volume 323, pages 572-579, article no. 5-6, DOI:10.1016/S0009-2614(00)00553-4.
  • Han WQ, Kohler-Redlich P, Seeger T, Ernst F, Ruhle M, Grobert N, Hsu WK, Chang BH, Zhu YQ, Kroto HW. (2000) Aligned CNx nanotubes by pyrolysis of ferrocene/C-60 under NH3 atmosphere, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, volume 77, pages 1807-1809, article no. 12, DOI:10.1063/1.1311813.
  • Zhu YQ, Hsu WK, Terrones H, Grobert N, Chang BH, Terrones M, Wei BQ, Kroto HW, Walton DRM, Boothroyd CB. (2000) Morphology, structure and growth of WS2 nanotubes, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY, volume 10, pages 2570-2577, article no. 11, DOI:10.1039/b004433o.
  • Hsu WK, Chang BH, Zhu YQ, Han WQ, Terrones H, Terrones M, Grobert N, Cheetham AK, Kroto HW, Walton DRM. (2000) An alternative route to molybdenum disulfide nanotubes, JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, volume 122, pages 10155-10158, article no. 41, DOI:10.1021/ja001607i.
  • Hsu WK, Zhu YQ, Kroto HW, Walton DRM, Kamalakaran R, Terrones M. (2000) C-MoS2 and C-WS2 nanocomposites, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, volume 77, pages 4130-4132, article no. 25, DOI:10.1063/1.1329326.
  • Hsu WK, Zhu YQ, Boothroyd CB, Kinloch I, Trasobares S, Terrones H, Grobert N, Terrones M, Escudero R, Chen GZ. (2000) Mixed-phase WxMoyCzS2 nanotubes, CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS, volume 12, pages 3541+-3541+, article no. 12, DOI:10.1021/cm0011256.



  • Takazawa E, Sekine T, Kobayashi T, Zhu Y. (1998) Hugoniot equation of state and high-pressure transformation of jadeite, JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SOLID EARTH, volume 103, no. B6, pages 12261-12268, DOI:10.1029/98JB00767. [PDF]
  • Grobert N, Terrones M, Osborne AJ, Terrones H, Hsu WK, Trasobares S, Zhu YQ, Hare JP, Kroto HW, Walton DRM. (1998) Thermolysis of C-60 thin films yields Ni-filled tapered nanotubes, APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING, volume 67, pages 595-598, article no. 5, DOI:10.1007/s003390050828.
  • Grobert N, Terrones M, Osborne AJ, Terrones H, Hsu WK, Trasobares S, Zhu YQ, Hare JP, Kroto HW, Walton DRM. (1998) Pyrolysis of C-60-thin films yields Ni-filled sharp nanotubes, Bundesmin Wissensch Forsch, Austria; Usa, Res Dev & Standizat Grp, London, England, ELECTRONIC PROPERTIES OF NOVEL MATERIALS - PROGRESS IN MOLECULAR NANOSTRUCTURES: XII INTERNATIONAL WINTERSCHOOL, volume 442, pages 25-28.
  • Grobert N, Hare JP, Hsu WK, Kroto HW, Pidduck AJ, Reeves CL, Terrones H, Terrones M, Trasobares S, Vizard C. (1998) Nanotechnology of nanotubes and nanowires: From aligned carbon nanotubes to silicon oxide nanowires, Bundesmin Wissensch Forsch, Austria; Usa, Res Dev & Standizat Grp, London, England, ELECTRONIC PROPERTIES OF NOVEL MATERIALS - PROGRESS IN MOLECULAR NANOSTRUCTURES: XII INTERNATIONAL WINTERSCHOOL, volume 442, pages 29-33.
  • Terrones M, Hsu WK, Schilder A, Terrones H, Grobert N, Hare JP, Zhu YQ, Schwoerer M, Prassides K, Kroto HW. (1998) Novel nanotubes and encapsulated nanowires, APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING, volume 66, pages 307-317, article no. 3, DOI:10.1007/s003390050671.
  • Zhu YQ, Sekine T, Kobayashi T, Takazawa E, Terrones M, Terrones H. (1998) Collapsing carbon nanotubes and diamond formation under shock waves, CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, volume 287, pages 689-693, article no. 5-6, DOI:10.1016/S0009-2614(98)00226-7.
  • Zhu YQ, Hsu WK, Terrones M, Grobert N, Terrones H, Hare JP, Kroto HW, Walton DRM. (1998) 3D silicon oxide nanostructures: from nanoflowers to radiolaria, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY, volume 8, pages 1859-1864, article no. 8, DOI:10.1039/a802682c.

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