Collaborate With Us

We would like to hear from anyone with research collaboration ideas that are within the remit of and that link to members within the Hub. Regardless of whether you currently have links with the Hub or not, feel free to contact the Hub or any of its investigators if you have any general queries of this nature.

Call for funding (opened August 2021)

We have an open call for small amounts of funding to support the development of ideas to advance quantitative modelling techniques that transform healthcare therapies, treatments and delivery in line with our research themes.

You can let us know of your interest in one of the funding opportunities by completing this form.

  • Feasibility Projects - We have funding for "pump primming" activities where HQMH investigators, project partners or external researchers can propose small projects that have links to investigators within the Hub. We will consider fudnding up to £10k per project including placements and secondments. HQMH investigators should involve at least one other investigator or project partner. External researchers should contact one of the HQMH investigators to discuss in advance of completing the form.
  • Early Career Researcher Funding - If you are working within HQMH as an Early Career Researcher and need funding for a project you want to get off the ground, we can fund up to £5k per project.
  • Visitor Programme: We welcome requests from partners or academics with interests aligned to HQMH to visit and interact with the Hub.
  • Outward Researcher Exchanges: If you work within HQMH, you can request funding for visits to strengthen collaborations between the Hub and partners.

The management team of HQMH will attempt to evaluate proposals in a timely manner. Please clearly indicate on the form if there is a time by which you need a repsonse. Proposals will be evaluated according to:

  • Research Quality and Timeliness of the proposed work
  • Relevance to the aims of HQMH
  • Value for money taking into account likely risk and reward
  • Potential to build longer term collaborations between HQMH investigators (and/or partners) as a result of the proposed work

Note that any funding will be granted subject to the conditions of the EPSRC funding. For example, this allows us to pay for materials and travel/subsistence but typically not staff salaries. We may be able to support with a limited amount of Research Fellow time; you should indicate if this is needed.

We are also planning a number of events such as Workshops, Datathons & Study Groups. We welcome suggestions for projects or topics for these events.