Bursaries and Scholarships

Please click on the relevant heading below for further details on bursaries, scholarships and awards to help with your tuition fees and living costs..

The Scholarships team are responsible for the central administration of both College funded and Research funded Scholarships. This administration involves updating student accounts with fee reductions, making regular maintenance payments and providing scholarship support to College staff and Students.

The Scholarships team are not involved with the application process. Any queries regarding applications, outcomes or decisions should be directed to Doctoral College staff.

New applicants

We have a number of scholarships available to our Students. Scholarships are awarded for a number of different reasons; these may include academic merit, personal achievement and intellectual ability. If you are interested in applying for a scholarship please view our funding database for details of which awards are available and how to apply.

Alternatively you can contact the Doctoral college directly for more information on what funding is available.

Confirmed Scholarships and Returning Students

Once Scholarship awards have been confirmed by College staff, details are passed internally to the Student Funding Team. Student accounts are then updated with fee scholarship information and maintenance payments are created. The Student Funding Team can assist with a number of scholarship queries including payment amounts, payment dates and level of fee scholarship.

Payment Information

Maintenance scholarship payments are paid monthly, unless otherwise advised, and will reach student bank accounts on or by the 1st of each month.

Once awards have been confirmed and maintenance payments created, you will be able to view a payment schedule via the student statement.

Bank details and Registration

For payments to be made, students must have registered with the University for the applicable academic year and have supplied bank details. You can add or edit bank details during registration or at anytime after registration by logging onto your personal student account. If you do not have a UK bank account, please contact the Student Information Desk where your international account information will be taken.

If we have the incorrect bank details then payments may be paid to an incorrect account. Should this happen, the funds will need to be reclaimed before a payment can be made to your correct account. The timescale of this repayment then rests with the bank. We advise all students to check their bank details are present and accurate by visiting their student record.


If you interrupt or withdraw from your studies, you may be required to repay any funds you are ineligible for.

Any possible repayment will be discussed with your college and you will be contacted to advise of any balance to be returned to the University.

The Sanctuary Scholarship scheme enables individuals seeking asylum and refugees who are not able to access student finance to study at the University of Exeter. 


Please see the above link for full information about the scheme including eligability and the application deadline. 

Mature Students’ Scholarship

The University of Exeter mature students’ scholarship will open to applications from home undergraduate students starting their studies with us in 2023 on the 18th of September. You must meet the eligibility criteria listed below and can apply via this form

Donors:  Various

Amount:We have a limited number of scholarships available. Successful applicants will receive £2000 in year 1, £1000 in year 2 in the form of a cash payment. 

Eligibility Criteria: You must meet all the following essential criteria in order to be considered for a Mature Student Scholarship:

  • You are a UK (home) student
  • You are in your first year of your first undergraduate degree
  • You were 25 or older on the first day of your undergraduate course at the University
  • You have an assessed* household income below £42,875.

You must also meet at least one of the following additional criteria and may be asked to provide evidence of this:

  • You have unpaid caring responsibilities for a family member (who needs support due to an illness, disability, mental health condition or an addiction)
  • You have a disability or long-term health condition
  • You are a parent/carer with a child/children aged 18 or under
  • You have to work in order to fund studying
  • You have achieved an Access to HE Diploma or completed a Foundation Degree

(Information given will be verified by university processes but additional information may be requested for proof of annual income)

Year of Entry: 2023 onwards

Closing Date for Applications:  Friday 20th October

Next steps: All applications will be reviewed by the scholarship awarding panel and applicants will be contacted to confirm the outcomes of their submission by the end of November.

If you are experiencing financial hardship, you may be eligible for assistance via the  Success for all Fund


 *Household income is assessed to the same criteria as Student Finance England



We provide additional funding to certain part time and full time Home or returning European Union students in the form of the Access to Exeter Bursary (ATE). 

Find out more about the scheme here.

Financial Support

We offer financial support to students who are care leavers in the form of a full tuition fee waiver and a care leavers bursary.

Tuition Fee Waiver

Students must meet the following criteria:
• Have a home fee status, and be paying the home level of tuition fee
• A UK citizen or resident in the UK for at least three years
• Studying a first degree, PGCE or integrated undergraduate Masters’ degree (e.g., MSci or MEng)*
• Meets the university’s care leaver definition and be verified as a care leaver by their Local Authority.
• Must be 25 or under when commencing their course

*The Care Leaver fee waiver applies to a student’s first degree only and for four years maximum in study length (which might include an integrated masters up to year four), with the exception of Medicine at the University of Exeter where we will support care leavers in all five years of study. Any additional years of study, for whatever reason, should be funded by the student themselves via the student loan system or by other means.

The fee waiver will only be applied for a PGCE course if the student did not receive a tuition fee waiver at UG level.  

However, we would advise any student who find themselves in financial difficulty, or needing to put specific study plans in place, to speak to us via their designated welfare caseworker or their Student Guild/Union where we can review this policy on a case by case basis. If you have identified yourself as someone who has been in care on your UCAS application form, our Admissions Team will contact you asking for further information.


Care Leavers’ Bursary

The bursary is intended to help with the cost of accommodation during the summer vacation period after your first and subsequent years of study (but not final year). The bursary amount is not fixed, but is decided by taking into account the additional cost of your accommodation needs.

To be eligible for support through the Care Leavers Bursary, you must meet the following criteria:
• Paying home fees
• A UK citizen or resident in the UK for at least three years
• Studying a first degree, PGCE or integrated undergraduate Masters’ degree (e.g., MSci or MEng)
• Meets the university’s care leaver definition
• Must be 25 or under when commencing their course
• In receipt of financial support from the university through the Access to Exeter Bursary scheme.

To apply for this bursary, please contact the Students’ Guild Advice Service.

Further information on the full support package avaliable to Care leavers and Care experienced students can be found on our Widening participation student support pages.

PGCE Exeter Bursary 

We are offering a £600 bursary to our UK students whose household income has been assessed by your relevant UK Funding body as being £30,000 or less. There is no separate application for the bursary, however to be eligible you must complete your application for Student Finance, and your parent(s) or sponsor, should not opt out of consenting to share your financial details with the University.

The PGCE Exeter Bursary for 2024/25 academic year will be paid in one instalment on the last Friday of October or thereafter within 10 working days of confirmation of your household income.

Department for Education and Teaching Regulation Agency (DETRA) 

In addition to the tuition and maintenance loan, the Department for Education and Teaching Regulation Agency offers further financial incentives as a bursary, available to trainees on an eligible course in England. Bursary amounts vary depending on teaching subject, degree class and fee status.

For further details on the DETRA scheme, please visit the Get into Teaching webpages 

For further details on the courses available at the University of Exeter, please visit our PGCE course pages.

There is no formal application procedure for the bursary however, as part of the registration process, you will be asked to accept the University's terms and conditions which will include the terms and conditions for receipt of the DETRA Training Bursary.

Payment dates 

You will receive your first bursary payment in October, on the condition you have provided your bank account details and have registered

Payments are made monthly, to reach your bank account for the first Friday of the month. The funds will be paid between October and July in 10 equal instalments.

Please note: 

If you are considering withdrawing or interrupting from your course, you must inform your Faculty immediately as you will no longer be eligible to receive the bursary. Any bursary payment received after your last day of attendance will require repayment.

Payments made before eligibility has been fully assessed are made on a provisional basis and may be subject to repayment.