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Adele Sha'ban

Adele Sha’ban

LLM International Commercial Law (2018)

‘Capitalising on your personal experiences and background to the course is always a good idea as it contributes to everyone’s learning experience.’


What inspired you to do further study at Exeter?

The atmosphere at the university is encouraging and open which makes it easier to explore different subjects with the support of the teaching staff.

The wide variety of courses on offer was particularly attractive as it allows you to explore your interests however eclectic they are.

Exeter itself is a lovely and friendly city with many activities making for a lovely background for LLM studies.

What’s the main thing you got out of your course?

A deeper, more specialised understanding of the various subjects studied such as corporate governance and mergers and acquisitions, and an opportunity to delve into areas I hadn’t had much experience with before such as investor-state arbitration.  Also, the opportunity to undertake a personally chosen research project for my dissertation was an incredibly enriching opportunity.

What advice would you give to others thinking about taking your course?

The LLM course is very versatile and it’s up to you to shape your degree to suit your interests. Not having to commit to a specific pathway early on is also a bonus point in terms of flexibility.

Don’t be afraid to explore different subjects and make the most of your time by engaging with the professors who are approachable and experienced!

Capitalising on your personal experiences and background to the course is always a good idea as it contributes to everyone’s learning experience.

What are you doing now that you have graduated – could you give some detail on your next employment/further study opportunity and future plans?

I am currently working at a Law Firm in Amman, Jordan specialising in corporate and commercial matters amongst others.