English Language Support

Students based at our Exeter campuses

For students based at our Exeter Campuses the Insessional Team at INTO offer a range of workshops, courses, writing cafés and one-to-one tutorials. You can study ‘Communicative and cultural English’ (General English) or you can participate in an Academic English course aimed at Doctoral Students. You can find out about how to participate on their website and can also view their Timetables and sign up.

They also offer Guided Independent Learning online resources.

The English Language Support provided by INTO’s Insessional Team is free of charge.

If you have any questions please email insessional@exeter.ac.uk


Students based at our Cornwall campuses

For students based at our Cornwall Campuses support is available via the Study Hub’s Languages Team. You can book onto a range of Academic and social English language workshops, seminars and tutorials. You can book a one-to-one tutorial with an Academic Language Skills Tutor and there is also a regular Intercultural Café.

The English Language Support provided by the Study Hub’s Languages Team is free of charge.

If you have any questions please email languages@fxplus.ac.uk