The University has a specialist Art insurance cover.
Cover is arranged on an agreed value basis where there has been a recent valuation (ie, within five years). Where there is no recent valuation, the artwork concerned will be insured on a market valuation basis. This is often lower than an agreed value.
The policy excess is £250.
Only pieces that are registered on the University’s art inventory are included within the cover. If your Faculty or Service has a particular piece that requires cover please advise Insurance , Audit & Risk Team via Arts and Culture.
The policy also provides cover for exhibitions of art where it is possible to identify the agreed value of the pieces. This is usually only for artwork created by an established artist with an existing reputation.
This may be extended to include pieces loaned to the University for the purposes of the exhibition. Cover will be subject to standard documentation being completed and will not include transit which should remain the responsibility of the individual or organisation lending the piece.
If your Faculty or Service has an exhibition that requires cover please advise

This painting by Henry Stanley Marks titled The Pen is amongst the works in the University's art collection.