Guidance to support those tasked with providing information to insurers

The guidance documents on this page are intended for staff use only, and are therefore held behind Single Sign On.

Some roles at the University will be required to provide information to the insurer. This could be to:

  • Support the insurance renewal or tender, to ensure that appropriate cover and terms and conditions are applied
  • Update with material facts if an existing activity changes beyond the original insured activity, a new activity is undertaken that was not previously insured, or a material risk is identified that would impact the decision to provide insurance
  • Support a response to an incident or claim, providing evidence of costs and losses as required by the insurer
  • Provide evidence that the University understands the risks that are insured, and is taking proportionate measures to manage them

Guidance has been developed for those tasked with providing information to the insurer. These documents are intended to be used together:

Providing information for insurers - a guide providing context to the type of information requested, why it is required, and the implications of not providing it

Insurance Tender and Renewal Information Checklist - a quick guide to be used once the above document has been reviewed and understood