FEELE Directors
FEELE Manager
- Professor Surajeet Chakravarty
- Dr Jingnan Chen
- Professor Brit Grosskopf
- Professor Todd R Kaplan
- Dr Gabriel Katz
- Dr Simone Meraglia
- Dr Pradeep Kumar
- Dr Kim Peters
Former Members
- Professor Ramon Cobo-Reyes (American U. at Sharjah)
- Professor Alessio Ishizaka (U. of Portsmouth)
- Dr João Madeira (U. of York)
- Professor Dieter Balkenborg
- Professor David Kelsey
- Professor Rajiv Sarin
- Dr Jan Auerbach
- Dr Graeme Pearce
In addition to University of Exeter researchers, FEELE has also welcomed researchers from other universities to conduct their research experiments here:
- Jürgen Bracht (U. Aberdeen)
- Sven Steinmo (European University Institute)
- Saraswati Taloo (Oxford-Brookes U.)
- Charlotte Rossetti (Max-Planck-Gesellschaft)
- Christine Exley (Harvard University)