Experimental research done at FEELE is at the forefront of research in behavioural economics. It includes work on bank runs, emotions and decision-making, game theory, gender differences in team contexts, health economics, honesty, individual risk attitudes, labour markets, market behaviour, tax compliance, among others. For more details, see information about our affiliated researchers.
Lawrence Choo, Todd Kaplan, and Ro’i Zultan (forthcoming). Manipulation and (mis)trust in Prediction Markets. Management Science
Cobo-Reyes R, Katz G, Markussen T, Meraglia S (2021). Voting on Sanctioning Institutions in Open and Closed Communities: Experimental Evidence. Social Choice and Welfare,, 2021.
Surajeet Chakravarty, Lawrence Choo, Miguel Fonseca, and Todd Kaplan (2021). Should Regulators Always be Transparent? A Bank Run Experiment. European Economic Review. Volume 136, July 2021, 103764
Sven Fischer, Werner Guth, Todd Kaplan, and Ro’i Zultan. (2021) Auctions with Leaks about Early Bids: Analysis and Experimental Behavior. Economic Inquiry, 59 (2), 722–739
Charness G, Cobo-Reyes R, Meraglia S, Sanchez A (2020). Anticipated Discrimination, Choices, and Performance: Experimental Evidence. European Economic Review, Vol. 127, August 2020.
Kaplan TR, Ruffle B, Shudiner Z (2018) Cooperation through Coordination in Two Stages Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. 154, 206-219 Full text
Kaplan TR, Choo L, Zultan R (2019). Information Aggregation in Arrow-Debreu Markets: an Experiment. Experimental Economics. 22, 625-652 Full text
Katz G, Cobo-Reyes R, Meraglia S (2019). Endogenous sanctioning institutions and migration patterns: Experimental evidence. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Vol 158, February 2019, pps 575-606. DOI
D’Attoma J (2019). What explains the North–South divide in Italian tax compliance? An experimental analysis. Acta Politica 54.1, 104-123.
Le Roux S (2018). Climate Change Catastrophes and Insuring Decisions: A Study in the Presence of Ambiguity, Forthcoming Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization. DOI Full text
Le Roux S, Kelsey D (2018). Strategic Ambiguity and Decision-making: An Experimental Study. Theory and Decision, Vol 84, Iss 3, pp 387-404. DOI Full text
Steffens, N. K., Fonseca, M. A., Ryan, M. K., Rink, F. A., Stoker, J. I., Nederveen Pieterse, A (2018). How feedback about leadership potential impacts ambition, organizational commitment, and performance. The Leadership Quarterly 29(6), 637-647. ORE
Kaplan TR, Mu D, Dankers R (2018). Decision Making with Risk-Based Weather Warnings. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 2018, 30, Part A, 59-73. Full text. DOI
D’Attoma J, Volintiru C, Steinmo S (2017). Willing to share? Tax compliance and gender in Europe and America. Research & Politics 4.2.
Bruner, D M, D'Attoma J, Steinmo S (2017). The role of gender in the provision of public goods through tax compliance. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics Vol 71, December 2017, pp 45-55. DOI
Humphrey S J, Lindsay L, Starmer C (2017). Consumption experience, choice experience and the endowment effect. Journal of the Economic Science Association, 3, 109-120. DOI Full text
Le Roux S, Kelsey D (2017). Dragon Slaying with Ambiguity: Theory and Experiments. Journal of Public Economic Theory,
Vol 19, Iss 1, pp 178-197. DOI Full text
Chakravarty, S. and Fonseca, M.A (2017). Discrimination via Exclusion: An Experiment on Group Identity and Club Goods. Journal of Public Economic Theory 19(1), 244-267. DOI
Peters K, Fonseca M (2016). Will any gossip do? Gossip does not need to be perfectly accurate to promote trust. Games and Economic Behavior 107, 253-281. DOI Full text
Choo, L., Fonseca, M.A. and Myles, G (2016). Do Students Behave Like Real Taxpayers? Experimental Evidence on Taxpayer Compliance From the Lab and From the Field. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 124, 102-114. Full text
Le Roux S, Kelsey D (2015). An Experimental Study on the Effect of Ambiguity in a Coordination Game. Theory and Decision,
Vol 79, Issue 4, pp 667-688. DOI Full text
Kaplan TR, Marimo P, Mylne K, Sharpe M (2015). Communication of uncertainty in weather forecasts. Weather and Forecasting, February 2015, 30 (1) 5-22. Full text
Chakravarty, S., Fonseca, M.A. and Kaplan T.R (2014). An Experiment on the Causes of Bank Run Contagions. European Economic Review 72, 39-51. ORE
Fonseca, M.A. and Normann, H.T (2014). Endogenous Cartel Formation: Experimental Evidence. Economics Letters 125(2), 223-225. Full text
Chakravarty, S. and Fonseca, M.A (2014). The Effect of Social Fragmentation on Public Good Provision: An Experimental Study. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 53, 1-9. ORE
Fonseca, M.A. and Normann, H.T (2013). Excess Capacity and Competition in Bertrand-Edgeworth Markets: Experimental Evidence. Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics 169(2), 199-228. ORE
Fonseca, M.A. and Normann, H.T (2012). Explicit vs. Tacit Collusion – The Impact of Communication in Oligopoly Experiments. European Economic Review 56, 1759-1772. DOI
Fonseca, M.A., Pfaff, A., and Osgood, D (2012). An Advantage of Resource Queues over Spot Markets: Decision Coordination in Experiments with Resource Uncertainty. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 94(5), 1136-1153. DOI
Kaplan TR, Ruffle B (2012). Which Way to Cooperate. Economic Journal, 122(563), 2012, 1042-1068. Full text
Kaplan TR, Balkenborg D, Miller T (2012). A Simple Economic Teaching Experiment on the Hold-Up Problem. Journal of Economic Education, 43(4), October 2012, 377-385. Full text
Ishizaka A, Balkenborg D, Kaplan T (2011). Does AHP help us make a choice? - An experimental evaluation. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 62(10), 1801-1812.
Ishizaka A, Balkenborg D, Kaplan T (2011). Influence of aggregation and measurement scale on ranking a compromise alternative in AHP. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 62(4), 700-71.
Kaplan TR, Balkenborg D, Miller T (2011). Teaching Bank Runs with Classroom Experiments. Journal of Economic Education, 2011 42(3), 224-242. Full text
Le Roux S, Balkenborg D (2010). Deviations from Equilibrium in an Experiment on Signaling Games: First Results. The Selten School of Behavioural Economics, Springer 1st Edition, 2010, XV, pp 73-87. DOI
Kaplan TR, Balkenborg D (2010). Using Economic Classroom Experiments. International Review of Economics Education, November 2010, 9(2): 99-106. Full text
Kaplan TR, Roulston M (2009). A Laboratory-Based Study of Understanding of Uncertainty in 5-Day Site-Specific Temperature Forecasts. Meteorological Applications, June 2009 16 (2): 237-244. Full text
FEELE has been involved with, and/or hosted a number of research grants:
Date | Awarding body | Grant | Principal Investigator | Value |
2021-24 | Israeli Science Foundation |
Managerial decisions and the efficient market hypothesis | PIs Todd Kaplan, Ro'i Zultan, Co-I Lawrence Choo |
£181,435 |
2020-24 | UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship |
BIG IDEAs: Using Randomised Controlled Trials to Reduce Bias in the Workplace | O.P. Hauser |
£1,100,000 |
2019-21 | Economic and Social Research Council, IAA |
Applied market design | PI: Lindsay |
£19,450 |
2017-18 | iFree Foundation | Manipulation in Prediction Markets | Todd Kaplan, Co-I Lawrence Choo and Ro'i Zultan | £5,836 |
2016-21 | Israeli Science Foundation | Bank Runs and Regulatory Communication: An Experimental Analysis | PI Todd Kaplan, Co-I Surajeet Chakravarty, Miguel Fonseca | £135,610 |
2016-21 | Israeli Ministry of Science and Technology | Optimal government communication policy and the prevention of infectious disease | PI Todd Kaplan, Co-I Cecilia Chen and Mu Di | £8,435 |
2015-16 | National Audit Office. | “Quality of Customer Service on Tax Return Accuracy.” | PI: Chen | £20,532 |
2015-18 | Economic and Social Research Council. | “Behavioural Compatibility between Individual Choice and Collective Action” | PI: Myles; Co-Is: Fonseca; Kotsogiannis | £104,910 |
2015 | HM Revenue and Customs. | “Lab Experiments on Tax Compliance” | PI: Fonseca | £43,430 |
2013-14 | HM Revenue and Customs. | “Lab Experiments on Tax Compliance” | PI: Myles; Co-I: Fonseca | £84,000 |
2013-17 | Economic and Social Research Council and HM Revenue and Customs. | “Tax Administration Research Centre.” | PI: Myles; Co-Is: Fonseca, Kotsogiannis, Oates | £1,900,000 |
2012-14 | Economic and Social Research Council and Department for International Development. | “Field experiment on the behavioural foundations of inter-group discrimination and its effects on public good provision in India” | PI: Fonseca; Co-I: Chakravarty | |
2012 | HM Revenue and Customs. | “Experiment to investigate taxpayer responses to audits and strategies” | PI: Myles; Co-I: Fonseca | £79,836 |
2010-11 | British Academy. | “Labour supply, effort and productivity shocks: an experimental study” | PI: Fonseca | £5,880 |
2010-12 | Economic and Social Research Council. | “Social Identity, Group Composition and Public Good Provision: An Experimental Study” | PI: Fonseca; Co-I: Chakravarty | £25,396 |
2009-10 | Nuffield Foundation. | “Fairness, Bargaining and Social Context: An Experimental Investigation.” | Co-PIs: Balkenborg, Fonseca | £2,888 |
2009-11 | Nuffield Foundation. | “Bidding Behaviour in Auctions under Asymmetry.” | Co-PI: Kaplan | £7,280 |
2007 | Economic and Social Research Council and National Science Foundation. | “Metereology meets the social sciences.” | Kaplan: Co-PI | $25,000 |
2007 | Met Office Research Contract. | “Uncertainty Information in Forecasts.” | PI: Kaplan | £22,000 |
2006-08 | Leverhulme Foundation. | “Optimality of Contest Design.” | PI: Kaplan | £25,000 |
2004-08 | Higher Education Funding Council in England (HEFCE). | “Bringing Experiments into the Classroom.” | PI: Balkenborg; Co-I: Kaplan | £150,000 |
2004-05 | British Academy. | “Can information hurt when it shouldn’t? Experiments on repeated zero-sum games with incomplete information.” | PI: Balkenborg; Co-I: Kaplan | £7,500 |
2004-05 | Centre Nationale de Récherche Scientifique. | “Can information hurt when it shouldn’t? Experiments on repeated zero-sum games with incomplete information.” | Co-Is: Kaplan, Balkenborg | €3,000. |
2003-05 | University of Exeter Research Grant. | “FEELE Experimental Lab.” | PI: Balkenborg; Co-I: Kaplan | £75,000 |
2003-04 | Israel Science Foundation. | “Origins of Cooperation and Social Conventions: Experimental Evidence.” | Co-PI: Kaplan | $22,000 |
2003-04 | Economic and Social Research Council. | Origins of Cooperation and Social Conventions: Experimental Evidence.” | Co-PI: Kaplan | £46,671 |