Graphene Centre

The Graphene Centre conducts internationally-leading research into graphene: an exciting and revolutionary material. Our work bridges the gap between scientific development and industrial applications of graphene. Our key areas of research are currently:

  • large scale and large area graphene production
  • advanced lithographic techniques for device fabrication
  • electrical and optical studies.

Our work is highly interdisciplinary, encompassing elements of physics, engineering, chemistry, biology and medicine.

Graphene and GraphExeter

At only one atom thick, graphene is the thinnest substance capable of conducting electricity. It is also mechanically flexible, optically transparent and very strong.

GraphExeter is a derivative of graphene developed by the University of Exeter, with potential to revolutionise the electronics industry.

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Work with us

We’re always happy to hear from businesses or academics interested in potential research or commercial projects. We provide state-of-the-art facilities and equipment and high-quality research environments for our academic and industry partners.

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About the Centre