Consultancy services

Consultancy services

Consultancy services

Full Scale Dynamics Ltd

Our spin-out company, Full Scale Dynamics Ltd, has over 25 years’ experience in vibration serviceability, dynamic analysis, testing and monitoring of large civil engineering structures. 

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We can help with: 

We can predict possible vibration levels prior to construction, drawing on our extensive expertise and data collected over decades of testing and hundreds of structures studied at full scale worldwide.

We can simulate a range of design scenarios for structures including bridges, floors, staircases and grandstands, and are happy to get involved at any stage of the construction process. 

Depending on your requirements, our involvement can include:

  • making recommendations/troubleshooting for architectural plans, to save you time and money in the long term
  • checking the performance of structures using the latest design guidance documents and British Standards
  • simulating more advanced dynamic loading based on state-of-the-art research to more accurately predict and evaluate vibration serviceability
  • performing in-situ dynamic testing and long-term vibration monitoring of as-built structures.

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Expert witnesses

We are also experienced as expert witnesses in litigation related to vibration serviceability.

We can troubleshoot a wide range of vibration problems in structures including grandstands and stadia, office buildings, staircases, roadbridges, footbridges and railway bridges.

We also provide testing for situations where low-level vibration can cause problems with machinery, such as hospitals and laboratories. 

In-situ testing

  • If vibration is a concern, we can test a structure in situ at the design stage, during the construction process, or in as-built conditions to help identify the issue.
  • Our dynamic testing can include ambient vibration testing, operational modal analysis, forced vibration testing with multi-shaker excitation or state-of-the-art wireless sensors, to evaluate a structure's vibration performance.

Bespoke solutions

  • If a problem is found, we can suggest and customise active or passive control strategies to create a bespoke vibration solution that works for you.

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  • With our  dynamic testing capabilities, we can assess the condition of structures of any size, anywhere.
  • Our academic expertise in finite element analysis means we can check if a structure is currently within serviceability guidelines, and predict the likelihood of this changing in future.
  • If a potential vibration problem is found, we can suggest and customise active or passive control strategies to create a bespoke vibration solution that works for you.

Long-term, real-time monitoring

  • We can work with you to design a long-term monitoring system that provides the information you need. 
  • We can set up operator-free, intelligent data processing systems to provide reporting according to your requirements e.g. automated emails, summary reports or online visualisation. 

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Success stories

Jiangyin Suspension Bridge

"Based on the results from the research, a wiser maintenance plan has been made."

National Gallery Singapore

"We tested real crowd situations and were comforted by the readings that the bridges were safe."

Rugeley chimney

"We were very pleased with the innovative monitoring system and FSDL’s positive responses throughout the project."

Capella biosciences laboratory

"Engaging the specialist services of VES at an early stage reduced the design and approval process and ensured an offsite construction solution."


We are using our custom-designed shaker system to measure the impact of storms on lighthouses.

Other ways to work with us

  • Sponsor a PhD student

  • Put forward an employee for a PhD

  • Collaborate on a research project 

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