Grants and publications


The Vibration Engineering Section has been awarded over £15 million in grant funding since the group was established.

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Term  Subject Body Value
2024-2027 NHMRC Losing Touch NHMRC £54,260
2022-2027 Revolutionising Operational Safety and Economy for High-value Infrastructure using Population-based SHM (ROSEHIPS) EPSRC £6,326,800
2020-2025 Smart Construction Technology Development KISTEC £450,000
2020-2022 vPerform Horizon 2020 €224,933
2019-2021 Automated 3D Digital Mapping Technology using Drone for assessment of cut-slope risks KISTEC £213,000
2017-2020 VSimulators: Human factors simulation for motion and serviceability in the built environment EPSRC £3,246,099
2016-2019 BAYOMALAW: Uncertainty Quantification and Management in Ambient Modal Identification EPSRC £567,770
2016-2019 STORMLAMP: STructural behaviour Of Rock Mounted Lighthouses At the Mercy of imPulsive waves EPSRC £173,555
2015-2019 Innovative Training Network. Training in reducing uncertainty in structural safety (TRUSS). Awarded to Full Scale Dynamics Ltd, hosted by University of Exeter, Vibration Engineering Section EU £273,288
2015-2018 Risk Assessment of Masonry Bridges Under Flood Conditions: Hydrodynamic Effects of Debris Blockage and Scour EPSRC £634,734 
2013-2018 Modelling complex and partially identified engineering problems- Application to the individualised multiscale simulation of the musculoskeletal system  EPSRC £4,859,494
2011-2016 Advanced Technologies for Mitigation of Human-Induced Vibration EPSRC £1,056,999
2011-2015 Synchronisation in dynamic loading due to multiple pedestrians and occupants of vibration-sensitive structures EPSRC £518,664
2010-2013 Active Control of Human-induced Vibration EPSRC £615,916
2010- 2011 Vibration Serviceability and Control of Civil Structures EPSRC £30,409
2009-2014 Dynamic Performance of Large Civil Engineering Structures: An Integrated Approach to Management, Design and Assessment EPSRC £750,800
2009-2013 Active Control of Vibration in Floor Structures EPSRC and WSP Buildings £85,052
2008-2012 IRIS: Integrated European Industrial Risk Reduction System European Commission €250,000
2008-2011 Novel Data Mining and Performance Diagnosis Systems for Structural Health Monitoring of Suspension Bridges EPSRC £450,383
2007-2010 Human Walking and Running Forces: Novel Experimental Characterisation and Application in Civil Engineering Dynamics EPSRC £306,675
2006-2010 Vibration Behaviour of Stadia Structures under Crowd Dynamic Loading Using Data from Full-Scale Structures EPSRC and ARUP £80,000
2005-2008 Stochastic Approach to Human-Structure Dynamic Interaction EPSRC £271,462
2005-2007 Marie Curie International Reintegration Grant  European Commission £56,288
2004-2009 Stochastic Approach to Human-Structure Dynamic Interaction EPSRC £325,382 
2004-2007 Dynamic Behaviour of Stadia under Human Occupation and Excitation EPSRC £323,318
2003-2006  Investigation of the As-Built Vibration Performance of System Built Floors EPSRC £292,681
2002 Human-Engineering Interfaces: Development of a Vibro-Acoustic Research Facility in Sheffield

HEFCE Science Research
Investment Funding (SRIF)

2001-2004 Dynamic Crowd Loading on Flexible Stadium Structures EPSRC £109,740
2001-2002 Remote Monitoring of Stadia Dynamics UK Football Licensing Authority,
Stadia Dynamics Group and Arup
1998-1999 Experimental Finite Element Model Updating Using Fast Modal Testing of Prototype Civil Engineering Structures EPSRC £50,145
1996-1998 Vibration of Post-Tensioned Concrete Floor Slabs DETR £156,000