The MDC Biobehavioural Lab
The MDC biobehavioural lab supports our research into the understanding of neural and peripheral physiological correlates of those mechanisms hypothesised to cause or maintain mood and related disorders and that are targeted in our clinical interventions.
In our research, we use multichannel electroencephalogram (EEG, Brainproducts equipment and software) to record EEGs and event-related potentials (ERPs). This method allows measurement of the brain electrical activity in response to psychological events with high temporal precision.
In addition, we record electrocardigram (ECG), impedance cardiography (ICG), skin conductance, electromyography (EMG) and blood pressure using BIOPAC equipment and software. This can help understanding processes of physiological regulation involved in processing emotions and managing stress.
We also use eye-tracking facilities (Eyelink 2000 eye-tracking systems, SR-Research, Toronto, shared with the cognitive group and Tobii). This method helps understanding cognitive biases involved in causing or maintaining mood and stress-related disorders.
To support stimulus presentation and response monitoring in our lab we use a variety of software and hardware, including E-Prime software. In addition, we have different virtual reality setups including a Vizard virtual reality suite which allows concurrent psychophysiological data collection.
Our lab-based research is complemented by equipment that allows measurement in more ecologically valid, “real world” situations such as activity and heart rate watches or mobile phone apps that were developed in house.
Associated researchers & students:
- Dr Anke Karl, Psychophysiology, EEG/ERP
- Dr Barney Dunn, Psychophysiology, ESM
- Dr Kim Wright, Psychophysiology, ESM
- Dr Nick Moberly, ESM
- Dr Heather O’Mahen ESM