EARLI Advanced Study Colloquium 2013 on The Roles of Theory in Research on Learning and Instruction
1 December 2012 - 31 May 2013
PI/s in Exeter: Professor Rupert Wegerif
Research partners: A collaborative project with Professor Gert Biesta, University of Stirling (University of Luxembourg, January 2013 onwards)
Funding awarded: £ 4,850
Sponsor(s): European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) (Total funding € 6000)
Project webpage(s)
EARLI Advanced Study Colloquium 2013 on The Roles of Theory in Research on Learning and Instruction
About the research
The Colloquium will take place in the spring of 2013 and will focus on the roles of theory in research on learning and instruction. The Colloquium will be organised in collaboration with Prof Gert Biesta, University of Luxembourg.