Novel training through virtual reality

1 June 2015 - 30 November 2016

PI/s in Exeter: Professor Rupert Wegerif

Research partners: Gabriella Giannachi (English, University of Exeter) and March Dynamics

Funding awarded: £ 37,465

Sponsor(s): National Aerospace Technology Programme (NATEP)

About the research

The aim of this project submission is to exploit the advances in 3D Virtual Reality (VR), motion capture, haptic devices and games engine (3D graphics and renderers) technologies to fundamentally change the way non-pilot training is delivered within the aerospace sector.

Whilst pilot training has received a significant investment in R&D to make use of modern VR technologies, this same investment has not occurred for cabin crew training. This project will research and demonstrate the application of current and future technologies in cabin safety training. In addition to providing greatly increased scope for monitoring, assessing, and tailoring the training to the individual needs of the learner, the technology will also greatly increase the flexibility of Flybe (project end user) to deliver aircraft specific training regardless of physical availability.