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UK Visas

Do I need a UK visa?

If you are outside the UK you may need a visa before you travel. Please see the Immigration for non EU/EEA nationals guidance for more details (this is located in the Current Staff site). You can also use the online tool on website to check if you need a UK visa.

Do I need to register with the police?

Under the UK Immigration Rules, certain foreign nationals were subject to an immigration condition requiring them to register with the police. They were also required to make notifications to the police where certain of their circumstances, had changed, e.g. they move residential address, change jobs or have an extension of their immigration permission. Although these requirements are currently still included in the Immigration Rules, they are no longer being observed in practice, as confirmed on GOV.UK from 4 August 2022.

Immigration advice

If you need to obtain immigration advice, the Law Society database can help you search for immigration advice around the world.