
Email: Occupational Health

           Management Referrals

           Health Surveillance

           Staff Disability

Tel: 01392 722666

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Guidance for University Staff: Parking Support

This guidance relates to parking support for employees with health problems or medical conditions.  For any other parking queries, the relevant parking team should be contacted.

For all parking support requirements based on medical need, a Management Referral to Occupational Health is required.  This is to help ensure that all workplace health needs are considered and not purely travel to and from work.  The exception would be pregnancy, where any additional requirements are based on the outcome of a New and Expectant Mothers’ risk assessment.

Please note that the role of Occupational Health, where relevant, would be to support the application for parking adjustments.  The car user would remain responsible for any parking fees.   

This includes parking requirements during pregnancy and for any short term health need. This would be for the period required up to a maximum of 3 months.

Pregnancy: We recognise that mobility can be more difficult in the later stages of pregnancy, particularly on an undulating campus. It is essential that workplace health needs are monitored with the manager during pregnancy by completing, and regularly reviewing, a New and Expectant Mothers’ risk assessment.  If the risk assessment indicates a need for a review of current parking arrangements, the Occupational Health Service can be contacted at (a copy of the risk assessment should be attached to the email).  An appointment will then be arranged to meet with the expectant mother.

Short term parking support for medical reasons: If there is a short term need for accessible parking (3 months or less), for example where mobility is affected following an injury or operation, a Management Referral to Occupational Health is required (employees should speak with their line-manager). An appointment will be arranged following receipt of the referral.

Long term, persistent medical conditions where there is a requirement for accessible parking: If the need is based on a long term, persistent health problem, the employee should first check their eligibility for a Blue Badge and follow the application process if applicable. Should the application be unsuccessful, we would be happy to review your requirements with you.  Please speak with your manager about a Management Referral to Occupational Health.  When we receive the referral, we will arrange to meet with you.

If accessible parking is required for more than three months, you will be asked to provide a short letter from your GP, containing the following information:

  • Confirmation of your medical diagnosis and how the condition is affecting your ability to do normal day to day activities
  • The treatment you are receiving
  • The anticipated prognosis; whether any disability is likely to be short, medium or long term
  • Your GP is welcome to add any additional information thought to be relevant to the workplace

Please note that, if your GP charges for this service, the University is unable to reimburse you.  Annual reviews in Occupational Health would be required to consider ongoing parking support and work adjustments.

Long term, fluctuating medical conditions where there is a requirement for parking support without accessible parking: This would apply where accessible parking is not required, but an authority to park permit would help you to manage the impact of your condition.  Those who are eligible to apply for a parking permit should apply directly to the parking team following the usual process.  However, you should speak with your manager about a Management Referral to Occupational Health if you are having other difficulties at work.  If you are not eligible for a parking permit due to the proximity of your home to your place of work, your manager should refer you to OH via a Management Referral and should note this on the referral form.  We would arrange to meet you after receiving their completed referral.

The process above regarding providing a letter from your GP will also apply.