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Christina Forkan

BA English and Film Studies

What has been the highlight of your time at Exeter?

There are many highlights from my time at Exeter! One of them would be writing my dissertation on Stranger Things and Steven Spielberg. Another highlight is that Exeter allowed me the opportunity to study abroad in America at Montana State University where I joined a sorority and skied or hiked during the weekends!

What will you miss the most about University?

I will miss everything about Exeter from sitting in lectures through to going out with my friends in the evening. Exeter is an amazing place to live and study therefore is the perfect place to make memories.

What did you enjoy about your particular programme?

The programme is always relevant, interesting and inspiring. All the lecturers are extremely approachable and caring. It is always obvious that they are passionate about the subject and have thought provoking ideas to share.

On the programme I have watched films which have just been released, old classics, avant-garde (ones that I would never have seen otherwise) and international films, to list a few. Each one has opened my eyes to a different way of filmmaking and have sparked many debates about the industry, culture and the particular time that they are a product of.

Film in particular is a tight knit community with many social events organised throughout the year. The friends I have made in my film classes are ones I will have for life.

What advice would you give to current and future students?

My advice would be to make the most of your time at Exeter by immersing yourself into your course, join societies and explore the area. I would like to add that studying abroad is an opportunity that I couldn’t recommend highly enough.

What are your plans now that you have graduated?

I plan to go into film production and I feel as though Exeter has prepared me very well for this.