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Kate Arthur

BA History and Visual Culture

What has been the highlight of your time at Exeter?

The art history visual culture field trip to Florence in second year, as had great fun exploring the city with course friends and lecturers whilst completing a group and independent research project.

What will you miss the most about University?

Campus life - the ability to get from training/the gym to a seminar to Pret all in a minutes walk.

What did you enjoy about your particular programme?

The breadth of modules and freedom to explore independent interests, even from first year (no matter how niche). Every module is entirely different and every week explores a new topic under a broad module heading. The department really encourage you to explore new ideas, often encouraging you to move away from set essay/research questions. They especially enjoy students moving beyond lecturers specialisms and research areas and exploring something new. This is shown particularly in the AHVC dissertation module as every dissertation project was entirely unique.

What advice would you give to current and future students?

Join as many societies and sports clubs as you can, try something new and consider running for a committee- Netball has been the best stress-reliever and being a committee member has made me so much more confident. I definitely found my social circle in EUNC.

What are your plans now that you have graduated?

Postgraduate study at UCL (MA Human Rights) and then seeking employment in the NGO/Charity sector.