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Meg O' Mahoney

BA History

What has been the highlight of your time at Exeter?

The opportunities I had to travel with societies or classes during my three years in Exeter; either to the National Gallery for an Art History module, to Paris with the History Society, or to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival with Spotlights Show Choir. Having these experiences with such thoughtful, interesting and inspiring people has really made my university experience special.

What will you miss the most about University?

Living a five-minute walk instead of a long train ride away from most of my friends!

What did you enjoy about your particular programme?

I have loved studying History at Exeter because I think the course strikes the perfect balance between the freedom to study what you’re interested in and the challenge to approach something completely new. By my third year I was completely absorbed in areas of History that I hadn’t even known existed when I started my degree.

What advice would you give to current and future students?

I would urge anyone to make the most of the chance they’re given to be involved in as much as possible. It’s a complete myth that you can’t get good grades as well as doing extra-curriculars and having a social life – if there’s ever a time in life to be your busiest, it’s at university.

What are your plans now that you have graduated?

In September, I will be starting an MA in Museum Studies at UCL, with the hope to eventually work as a curator, ideally specialising in the history of gender violence and genocide.